November 8, 2017
- Wandi Ding (ding.smb.digest@gmail.com)
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
Issue’s Topics:
Plenary Speakers for SMB2018
New Book: Stochastic Processes, Multiscale…, Springer
SCUDEM Announcement – SIMIODE
PhD Position: Uncertainty Quantification, Wageningen U
PhD Position: Quantitative Biosciences, Georgia Tech
PhD Positions: Applied Math, NJIT
Postdoc Position: Math Neuroscience, Virginia Tech U
Postdoc Position: G-protein Signaling, UNC Medical School
Postdoc Position: Viral Dynamics, Harvard U
Postdoc Position: Data Science/Biophysics, Michigan State U
Postdoc Position: AMR Dynamics, U of Birmingham, UK
Postdoc Position: Applied Math, Virginia Commonwealth U
Postdoc Position: Hooke & Titchmarsh Fellowships, U of Oxford
Faculty Position: Modeling Complex Systems, U of Idaho
Faculty Position: Math Biology, NJIT
Faculty Position: Applied Math, Siena College
Selected NIH Intramural Research and Other Job Openings
SMBnet Reminders
From: Mary Myerscough <mary.myerscough@sydney.edu.au>
Date: Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 2:35 PM
Subject: Plenary Speakers for SMB2018
The list of plenary speakers has been announced for the joint annual
meetings of the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese
Society for Mathematical Biology to be held from 8 to 12 July in
Sydney, Australia:
Jennifer Flegg (University of Melbourne)
Jane Heffernan (York University, Toronto)
Yoh Iwasa (Kyushu University) Akira Okubo prize winner
Alex James (University of Canterbury NZ)
Toshiyuki Nakagaki (Hokkaido University)
Hugh Possingham (University of Queensland)
Tiina Roose (University of Southampton)
Details about deadlines for minisymposia proposals and abstracts for
contributed talks and posters and about registration will be coming
Please watch the conference website www.SMB2018.org
From: David Holcman <david.holcman@ens.fr>
Date: Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 5:43 AM
Subject: New Book: Stochastic Processes, Multiscale…, Springer
D. Holcman (Ed.) Stochastic Processes, Multiscale Modeling, and Numerical
Methods for Computational Cellular Biology, Springer International
Publishing AG 2017
Provides a collection of organized reviews on fundamental topics, not
necessarily covered by classical text books, due to the interdisciplinary
nature of the subject
This book focuses on the modeling and mathematical analysis of stochastic
dynamical systems along with their simulations. The collected chapters
will review fundamental and current topics and approaches to dynamical
systems in cellular biology.
This text aims to develop improved mathematical and computational methods
with which to study biological processes. At the scale of a single cell,
stochasticity becomes important due to low copy numbers of biological
molecules, such as mRNA and proteins that take part in biochemical
reactions driving cellular processes. When trying to describe such
biological processes, the traditional deterministic models are often
inadequate, precisely because of these low copy numbers. This book
presents stochastic models, which are necessary to account for small
particle numbers and extrinsic noise sources. The complexity of these
models depend upon whether the biochemical reactions are diffusion-limited
or reaction-limited. In the former case, one needs to adopt the framework
of stochastic reaction-diffusion models, while in the latter, one can
describe the processes by adopting the framework of Markov jump processes
and stochastic differential equations.
The book will appeal to graduate students and researchers in the fields of
applied mathematics, biophysics, and cellular biology.
From: Brian Winkel, Director SIMIODE <brian@simiode.org>
Date: Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 3:31 PM
Subject: SCUDEM Announcement – SIMIODE
SIMIODE, A Systematic Initiative for Modeling Investigations &
Opportunities with Differential Equations, announces a new program
for high school and undergraduate students: Student Competition Using
Differential Equation Modeling—SCUDEM 2018. This competition is for
three-member student teams and also has an accompanying Faculty
Development Workshop for faculty who want to incorporate modeling in
their differential equations course.
SCUDEM takes place over the week of April 16–21, 2018. Teams will
work initially at their home institution, developing approaches and
solutions to one of three posed modeling scenarios. These are designed
so that every team may experience success in modeling, enhance their
model building skills, and increase their confidence in modeling with
differential equations. On Competition Saturday, teams will travel
with their faculty coach to a nearby host site to complete the
projects, make a presentation, and engage in other activities,
including a fun MathBowl. For complete details, along with problems
from SCUDEM 2017 with student submissions visit www.simiode.org/scudem
From: Fleck, Christian <christian.fleck@wur.nl>
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 9:36 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Uncertainty Quantification, Wageningen U
We are looking for a Ph.D. candidate to work on Uncertainty
Quantification in Dynamic Biological Systems at Wageningen University
and Research Center.
This Ph.D. position on Uncertainty Quantification is in the context
of Predictive Food Modelling or Predictive Food Microbiology. Gene
expression is a fundamentally noisy process, giving rise to a
significant cell-to-cell variability at the phenotype level. The
phenotypic noise is manifested in a wide range of microbial traits.
Heterogeneous behaviour of individual cells is observed at the growth,
survival and inactivation responses and should be taken into account
in the context of Predictive Food Microbiology. The Ph.D. project
will be embedded in a larger project in which we aim to build a
transparency cloud solution for the food supply chain that gathers
the detailed data on each product unit on its way to the consumer
and to use this data to improve the current food safety processes.
For this position we request a solid background in mathematics and
physics, good programming skills, and an understanding of and
interest in molecular biology. Further, an interest in start-up
ecosystem and product oriented research is required.
We offer you a position with the possibility to obtain a Ph.D. at
the University of Wageningen. Gross salary will be about 2800 EUR.
We are:
Wageningen University and Research Center, The Netherlands
The Fleck group is part of the Laboratory of Systems and Synthetic
Biology (SSB) at Wageningen University. Our research focus is on the
analysis of dynamic biological networks.
The Zwietering group Food Microbiology (FHM) at Wageningen University
and Research Center studies food spoilage and quantitative
tsenso GmbH
A young, Stuttgart based food-tech start-up providing cloud-based
quality analytics for the food supply chain from farm to fork. The
Ph.D. position will be sponsored and assigned by tsenso.
Please send a letter of motivation and a CV to:
From: Joshua S. Weitz <jsweitz@gatech.edu>
Date: Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 4:43 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Quantitative Biosciences, Georgia Tech
We are actively recruiting strong undergraduates from the physical
sciences, biological sciences, mathematics, engineering, and computing
to join an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program in Quantitative Biosciences
(QBioS) at Georgia Tech. Applications are welcome by December 1, 2017
for entrance in August 2018:
The QBioS Ph.D. at Georgia Tech was established in 2015 and we have
welcomed our first two cohorts of Ph.D. students in August 2016/2017:
The QBioS program includes an interdisciplinary group of over 50
participating program faculty from six schools in the College of
Sciences, including Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Psychology:
The mission of QBioS at Georgia Tech is to enable the discovery of
scientific principles underlying the dynamics, structure, and function
of living systems – at scales spanning molecules to organisms to
ecosystems. The Ph.D. training program is designed to prepare students
from a diversity of backgrounds for fulfilling careers in academia,
industry and government. The training program features:
* Foundational courses in Quantitative Biosciences
* Rotations in computational and/or experimental groups
* Selection of thesis advisor from all program faculty
* Rigorous and personalized quantitative training
* Five-year program of study from entrance to defense
Please feel free to forward this email and pdf flyer to undergraduate
students at your institution. Interested students can apply via the
links here:
Students are encouraged to email us at admissions@qbios.gatech.edu
for more information, as well as consult the FAQs for information on
courses, research, and applications materials:
From: Victor Matveev <matveev@njit.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 11:26 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Applied Math, NJIT
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at New Jersey Institute of
Technology (NJIT) is inviting candidates to apply to one of our doctoral
program tracks: (1) Applied Mathematics or (2) Applied Probability &
The Department’s research focus spans Mathematical Biology, Fluid
Dynamics, Materials Science, Wave Propagation, Scientific Computing,
Applied Analysis, Applied Probability & Statistics, including
Teaching and research assistantships are available, and include a
tuition waiver and a competitive stipend.
Application target date is December 15, 2017 but ongoing review will
continue until all available positions are filled.
To apply, please visit our homepage:
For more information, please email us (math@njit.edu, CC to:
matveev@njit.edu, rmoore@njit.edu).
PhD Program advertisement flyer is available at web.njit.edu/~matveev/NJIT_DMS_PhD_flyer.pdf
From: Sujith Vijayan <neuron99@vt.edu>
Date: Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 10:16 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Math Neuroscience, Virginia Tech U
The Neural Dynamics and Neural Engineering Lab at Virginia Tech has
an opening for a post-doctoral position in mathematical neuroscience.
This position is for three years and is being funded by the Army
Research Office (ARO). The research project will involve employing
biophysically based computational models to examine the role of
rhythmic activity in the expression of emotional memories during
behavior and their consolidation during sleep. An additional aim is
to employ the newly developed models to gain insight into the
pathophysiology of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Our lab investigates neural dynamics during active behavior and during
off-line states, such as sleep, using a combination of computational
modeling, signal processing techniques, and both invasive and non-
invasive techniques for recording neural activity. The basic science
knowledge gathered from these investigations is leveraged to
understand how memories are instantiated in the brain, to gain insight
into how learning occurs during brain machine interface (BMI) tasks,
to improve BMI algorithms, and to develop the framework for
stimulation and pharmacological therapies for diseases, especially
those marked by abnormal neural dynamics during sleep (e.g., post-
traumatic sleep disorder (PTSD) and Parkinson’s disease).
Please see the lab website (www.vijayan.neuroscience.vt.edu) for
more details.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in applied mathematics, computer
science, engineering, neuroscience, psychology, or a related field.
Strong programming skills and/or prior experience in modeling would
be an asset. Interested candidates should send a CV, a statement of
research interests, and the contact information for three references
to svijayan9@gmail.com.
Arrangements can be made to meet with candidates at the Society for
Neuroscience conference in Washington, D.C.
From: Miller, Laura A <lam9@email.unc.edu>
Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2017 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: G-protein Signaling, UNC Medical School
Postdoctoral Position
Systems Biology of G Protein Signaling
The University of North Carolina, Schools of Medicine and Arts and
Sciences Heterotrimeric G proteins serve as a signaling nexus in a
myriad of normal and diseased cell states. Many extracellular signals
(e.g. hormones, peptides, cytokines, lights) are perceived by 7-
transmembrane receptors, often referred to as G protein coupled
receptors, that stimulate the activation state of the cytoplasmic G
protein complex. Interestingly, the majority of non-animal cells
(protists, fungi, plants, amoeba and many others) bind GTP without
the need for a GPCR. This recent discovery opens up new opportunities
to find novel mechanisms that regulate G protein signaling. This
project tightly integrates experimental investigations with
mathematical modeling to discover and characterize novel signaling
motifs that regulate pathway activity in the glucose sensing system
of Arabidopsis. The project is a continuation of a well established
collaboration between the labs of Drs. Alan Jones and Tim Elston
(Fu, et al 2014 Cell 156:1084-1095). The ideal applicant will have
experience with deterministic and stochastic modeling methods, and a
willingness to learn the experimental techniques needed to test their
mathematical models. Interested individuals should contact Tim Elston
(timothy_elston@med.unc.edu) and Alan Jones (alan_jones@unc.edu).
From: Alison Hill <alhill@fas.harvard.edu>
Date: Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 11:43 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Viral Dynamics, Harvard U
The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics at Harvard University welcomes
applications for a postdoctoral fellow to work in the field of
infectious disease modeling with Dr. Alison Hill and Professor Martin
Nowak. We are seeking a motivated and creative PhD-level scientist with
experience applying mathematics to biological systems.
In particular, we are seeking a postdoc to contribute to two major
research efforts related to HIV/AIDS. One is an NIH-funded effort to
develop mathematical models to predict the outcomes of new, potentially
-curative treatment strategies for HIV infection. Another is a Gates
Foundation funded project to use dynamic models to understand outcomes
of antiretroviral therapy, including the risks of drug resistance, the
influence of patient adherence, and the potential impact of new drug
delivery mechanisms. We regularly work with data from experimental
collaborators testing new therapies in vitro, in animal models, and
in patients.
The successful candidate would also have the option to pursue
independent research of mutual interest. More generally, we are
interested in factors influencing the pathogenesis and evolution of
infectious diseases, both at the individual and population levels,
and in developing methods to infer mechanistic models from biological
data. More information about our research can be found at www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~alhill/
More information about the position can be found at: academicpositions.harvard.edu/postings/7798
Inquiries can be directed to Alison Hill (alhill@fas.harvard.edu)
From: Guowei Wei <wei@math.msu.edu>
Date: Mon, Nov 6, 2017 at 8:25 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Data Science/Biophysics, Michigan State U
A postdoc position is available in one or certain combination of the
following fields:
-Machine learning/deep learning
-Structural bioinformatics
-Mathematical biophysics
-Topological data analysis
The ideal candidate will hold a PhD degree in mathematics, computer
science, biophysics, or bioinformatics, have experience in code
development, and have demonstrated potential for excellence in research.
Applications consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and
descriptions of research plans and teaching experience should be
submitted via www.mathjobs.org/jobs. In addition, candidates
should arrange for at least three letters of recommendations, which may
be submitted on the same website. To receive full consideration the
complete application must be received by December 20, 2017, but
applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please
send an email to wei@math.msu.edu to acknowledge your application.
From: Sara Jabbari (School of Mathematics) <S.Jabbari@bham.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Nov 7, 2017 at 5:38 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: AMR Dynamics, U of Birmingham, UK
A two year postdoc position is available at the University of
Birmingham (UK) to develop mathematical models of AMR dynamics in
several compartments of the urban water cycle in three countries (DK,
UK, ES) and to apply Bayesian statistics for model selection and
parameter inference.
The position is part of an international team with partners in Denmark
(Barth Smets and Thomas Sicheriz-Pontén, Technical University of
Denmark; Søren Sørensen, University of Copenhagen), Spain (Jesús
Romalde, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; Carlos García-Riestra,
University Hospital Complex of Santiago de Compostela), Israel (Mical
Paul, Rambam Health Care Campus, Technion, Haifa) and the UK (David
Graham, University of Newcastle; Jan Kreft, Sara Jabbari and Iain
Johnston, University of Birmingham).
More info can be found here
From: Angela M Reynolds <areynolds2@vcu.edu>
Date: Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Applied Math, Virginia Commonwealth U
Positions: One position (9-month) as 3-year Postdoctoral Research Fellow
in the Dept. of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics beginning August 16,
2018, subject to availability of funding. The Department and University
Web pages may be found at www.math.vcu.edu/ and www.vcu.edu
Responsibilities of Position: Collaborative research with the tenure-track
faculty in the mathematics department and teaching two courses per year.
Qualifications: A PhD in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics, or related
field, is required at the time of the appointment. Applicants must be
within five years of earning their PhD. Preference will be given to
candidates with a clearly identified research agenda in one of the areas
of mathematics related to Department interests. Applicants must have a
record of successful research during their PhD and identify a faculty
mentor within the department.
The Department: The mission of the Department of Mathematics and Applied
Mathematics is to offer a strong undergraduate and graduate education,
with an increasing focus on the development of cross-disciplinary efforts
that will prepare our students for real-world applications and
stimulating employment and career opportunities. Key current objectives
of the department include the continued development of a PhD program
emphasizing discrete mathematics and applications of mathematics to the
medical and biological sciences, the improvement of student outcomes in
our lower level courses, and the continued strengthening of our
department’s track in secondary education preparation.
How to Apply for the Position: Candidates must submit electronically
through www.vcujobs.com/postings/67761 the following: a current
curriculum vitae, contact information for four references, and a cover
letter that clearly explains how they meet the qualifications outlined
above. In addition, candidates must submit electronically through
www.mathjobs.org the following: an AMS standard cover sheet, a
current curriculum vitae, a detailed research statement, a cover letter,
and a letter of support from the proposed department faculty mentor.
Applicants must also submit through www.mathjobs.org four
letters of recommendation, one of which must support the applicant’s
effectiveness as a teacher.
Applicants must be eligible to work in the U.S.A. Applications will be
considered until the position is filled; however, applications received
by Jan 8, 2017, will be given priority.
From: Radek Erban <erban@maths.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 11:19 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Hooke & Titchmarsh Fellowships, U of Oxford
We invite applications from talented postdoctoral researchers for Hooke
Research Fellowships (up to 3 positions are available) and Titchmarsh
Research Fellowships.(up to 4 positions are available). These prestigious
Fellowships at the University of Oxford are fixed term up to 36 months
and provide an ideal opportunity for candidates to pursue an independent
research programme.
More details are available here:
Hooke Research Fellowships
(in applied mathematics, including mathematical biology, mathematical
and computational finance and numerical analysis):
Titchmarsh Research Fellowships
(in other areas of mathematics, including PDEs and stochastic analysis)
Closing Date: Friday, December 8
From: Vanessa Phanouvong <vanessa@jobelephant.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 7:26 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Modeling Complex Systems, U of Idaho
Two Faculty Positions: Modeling Complex Systems
University of Idaho
The University of Idaho seeks to hire two tenure track faculty at the
assistant or associate level who have modeling skills that can be
applied to biological systems. We seek modelers who are creative in
applying their skills to new problems, who are good at communicating
across disciplines, and who see themselves thriving in our highly
collaborative environment. Faculty appointments and teaching
assignments will be in academic units appropriate to the training and
expertise of the successful candidates. The area of modeling expertise
is open, but we are particularly interested to grow research capacity
in mathematical biology (including both deterministic and stochastic
processes); data analytics; machine learning; systems modeling; or
molecular modeling.
For a complete job description and to apply, go to
apptrkr.com/1101688 Applications should include a cover letter
addressing the required and preferred qualifications, a CV, a list of
3-4 people who can be contacted to provide references, and PDFs of up
to 3 peer reviewed publications or submitted manuscripts. Review of
applications will begin November 15, 2017.
From: Victor Matveev <matveev@njit.edu>
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Math Biology, NJIT
The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at New Jersey Institute
of Technology (NJIT) invites applications for a tenure-track position
at the assistant professor level in mathematical biology. A second
DMS tenure-track assistant professor position in the broader area of
applied mathematics is advertised separately (links provided below).
The appointment is to start in Fall 2018. Candidates should have a
Ph.D. in mathematics, applied mathematics or a related discipline,
with an established record of independent research, strong potential
for seeking external research support, and a commitment to teaching
at graduate and undergraduate levels.
Candidates working in any subfield of mathematical biology will be
given consideration. Currently, members of the DMS mathematical
biology group are engaged in research in computational neuroscience,
biological rhythms, biofluids and mechanosensing.
To apply, please visit njit.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?site=1&id=35
The second position in applied mathematics is advertised separately
at njit.csod.com/ats/careersite/JobDetails.aspx?site=1&id=30
Submissions must include (a) cover letter, (b) resume/CV, (c) research
statement, (d) teaching statement, and (e) names and contact
information for at least four references. Review of applications will
begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Please direct any questions to the search committee chair, Victor
Matveev, at matveev@njit.edu.
From: Greenhalgh, Scott <sgreenhalgh@siena.edu>
Date: Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 12:05 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Applied Math, Siena College
The Department of Mathematics of Siena College, Loudonville, NY,
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Applied
Mathematics beginning in Fall 2018. The department seeks to enhance
its current strength in pure mathematics through growth in applied
fields. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise in
mathematical biology, scientific computing, operations research,
control and systems theory, statistics, and data mining and analytics,
especially to those candidates with cross-disciplinary research
interests and experience that promise to enrich Siena’s vibrant
undergraduate research culture.
See https://www.siena.edu/ for more details about Siena College and
for further details of the position. Inquiries may also be directed
to Jon Bannon (Search Chair): jbannon@siena.edu. The direct link to
the position on mathjobs.org is www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/11165
and at Siena College is siena.interviewexchange.com/jobofferdetails.jsp?JOBID=90958.
From: “Owens, Roland (NIH/OD) [E]” <owensrol@mail.nih.gov>
Resent-from: Raymond Mejía <mejiar@helix.nih.gov>
Date: Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 2:48 PM
Subject: Selected NIH Intramural Research and Other Job Openings
Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch, NIEHS
(Review of applications begins: November 12)
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
is recruiting an accomplished scientist to serve as Chief
of the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch (BCBB)
Members of the BCBB carry out methodologic research and collaborate
broadly across the Institute to address a wide range of questions related
to effects of the environment on human health. The Branch currently has 4
tenured investigators, 1 tenure-track investigator, 5 staff scientists and
additional trainees, with more recruitments anticipated. Research at NIEHS
incorporates both human- and laboratory-based studies including epidemiology,
genetics, epigenetics, toxicology, imaging, and structural biology. This
research provides both opportunities and analytic challenges related to
high-dimensional data.
The Branch Chief directs their own independent research program, provides
leadership, and facilitates the research and collaborative activities of
Branch scientists. In addition to administrative oversight, the Chief will
supervise staff members, mentor tenure-track investigators and post-doctoral
fellows, and ensure the scientific excellence of the Branch?s research
portfolio. The successful candidate must have a keen interest in synergizing
collaborations, both within the BCBB and with other Intramural and National
Toxicology Program investigators at NIEHS. The Chief will lead the BCBB into
new directions as biostatistics, computational biology, and environmental
science continue to evolve.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have an outstanding record of
publication, achievement, and leadership, with broad interests in
biostatistics and computational biology. Applicants must have a Ph.D.
or equivalent degree in statistics/biostatistics/computationalbiology/
bioinformatics or a related field, a record of accomplishments
commensurate with an academic rank of tenured associate or full
professor, and meet the requirements for tenure at the NIH
To be eligible, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen, resident alien,
or non-resident alien with, or eligible to obtain, a valid employment-
authorization visa.
Salary/Benefits: The Branch Chief will be eligible for a tenured appointment
with excellent start-up, salary, and benefit packages.
How to Apply: Interested persons should send a cover letter, their
curriculum vitae, a 3-page statement of research interests, goals and
leadership/administrative experience, and contact information for 3 references
in one combined PDF, to Ms. Bonnie Earnhardt at int-appls@niehs.nih.gov,
citing Vacancy Announcement DIR-AC1322 in the subject line. Incomplete
applications or paper applications will not be accepted. We will begin
evaluating applications on November 12, 2017. Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled.
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and
employment programs. HHS and NIH are equal opportunity employers. Applications
from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged.
Staff Scientist
Biostatistics Branch, NCI-DCEG
(deadline: November 30)
The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG), National Cancer
Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) is recruiting a Staff
Scientist in the Biostatistics Branch (BB).
The BB conducts research on statistical methodology for cancer research
and actively collaborates in cutting-edge studies of genetic, lifestyle,
and environmental causes of cancer and cancer prevention. BB research aims
to inform efforts to reduce the burden of cancer through development of
statistical methodologies that facilitate the translation of epidemiologic
insights into effective strategies for cancer prevention. A major focus of BB
research is developing statistical methodology for estimating absolute risk of
cancer to improve cancer screening, with particular focuses on cervical cancer
screening using human papillomavirus (HPV) testing and lung cancer screening.
The Staff Scientist, working under the direction of a Senior Investigator
within the BB, will have responsibilities for supporting BB statistical
methodologic research and for collaborating intensively with DCEG researchers
working in cervical cancer screening and lung cancer screening. Specific
duties will include supporting BB investigators developing statistical methods
for estimating risk (survival analysis, multi-state Markov models, metrics
for evaluating risk predictions), closely collaborating with junior and
senior researchers in cervical cancer screening and lung cancer screening,
developing user-friendly software to implement statistical methods, and
preparation of reports for presentation and publication.
The successful candidate must hold a doctoral degree or equivalent in
a relevant discipline (e.g., Statistics or Biostatistics). Extensive
experience programming in both R and SAS, as evidenced by development of R
packages and SAS macros, and experience collaborating with epidemiological
researchers in cervical cancer screening and lung cancer screening, as
evidenced by co-authorship of publications, is essential. The position
requires organizational abilities, attention to detail, initiative, and
an aptitude for multi-tasking. The ability to communicate effectively in
speech and in writing is essential, as demonstrated in presentations and
publications. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Interested individuals should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, brief
summary of research interests and experience, and two letters of reference to:
Ms. Linda Littlejohn, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National
Cancer Institute; 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rm. 7E328 MSC 9775, Bethesda,
MD 20892. E-mail: NCIDCEGOMR@MAIL.NIH.GOV. The closing date for applications
is November 30, 2017. This position is subject to a background investigation.
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and
employment programs DHHS, NIH, and NCI are equal opportunity employers.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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