October 17, 2018
- Ray Mejía (digest.ray@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
Quantitative Aspects of Membrane Fusion and Fission, May 6-10, Padova
Tutorial: Network Modeling, February 4-6, Knoxville
New book: Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Analysis by Avner Friedman
Postdoc: Scientific Computation & Machine Learning, UC Santa Barbara
Selected NIH Intramural Research and other job openings – October 2018
NSF funding opportunity: Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes
NIH Update: NIH Data Sharing, Sexual Harassment, Loan Repayment, …
SMBnet Reminders
from: Morten Gram Pedersen <pedersen@dei.unipd.it>
date: Oct 16, 2018, 9:47 AM
subject: Quantitative Aspects of Membrane Fusion and Fission, May 6-10, Padova
It is with pleasure that we invite you to attend the thematic meeting of the
Biophysical Society “Quantitative Aspects of Membrane Fusion and Fission”,
which will be held in Padova, Italy on May 6-10, 2019.
This meeting will bring together experimentalists and modelers/theorists in the
field of membrane fusion and fission. Quantitative understanding of
biophysical mechanisms increasingly requires analysis of dynamical and
physiologically relevant cellular changes. This is especially relevant for
biological membrane processes that occur at distinct points in time and space,
such as membrane fusion or fission, and that are driven by localized and
quantifiable interaction of proteins, lipids, and messenger molecules.
This interdisciplinary meeting will address the growing need for collaboration
between experimentalists and theorists to fully take advantage of the
quantitative nature of the experimental observations in this field and to
improve the quantitative descriptions of membrane events. We hope to attract
applied statisticians, mathematical modelers, and experimentalists
investigating membrane fusion and fission, such as regulated exocytosis,
endocytosis, and mitochondrial fusion and fission, among others.
Visit the website (www.biophysics.org/2019padova) for the program
overview and the list of speakers. Contributed talks will be selected from
submitted abstracts. We especially encourage submissions from graduate students
and postdoctoral researchers.
Submit an abstract by the January 14, 2019 deadline, and register at the lower
early registration rate by February 1, 2019. Biophysical Society members are
entitled to significant savings on all registration rates.
Please share this information with colleagues who may be interested in
We look forward to seeing you in Padova,
Sebastian Barg, Uppsala University, Sweden
Jenny Hinshaw, NIH, USA
Dinah Loerke, University of Denver, USA
Morten Gram Pedersen, University of Padova, Italy
Jakob B. Sorensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
from: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
date: Oct 16, 2018, 1:59 PM
subject NIMBioS Tutorial: Network Modeling, February 4-6, Knoxville
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) is
now accepting applications for its Tutorial, “Network Modeling,” to be held
February 4-6, 2019, at NIMBioS.
Objectives: This tutorial aims to introduce faculty, post-docs & graduate
students to the topic of complex networks. The field has grown tremendously
over the last 20 years and network science has found numerous applications to
fields such as biology, ecology, social sciences, physical sciences, computer
science, technology, and urban planning. The tutorial will review in detail the
main ideas and methods in network science with emphasis on both conceptual
aspects and real-world applications. Hands-on activities will help the audience
familiarize themselves with practical ways to potentially incorporate network
analysis in their own research. No prior knowledge of networks or programming
is required.
Location: NIMBioS at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Co-Organizers: Nina Fefferman , Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of
Tennessee; Lazaros Gallos, DIMACS, Rutgers Univ.; Gonzalo Suarez, Ecology &
Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Tennessee
For more information about the tutorial and a link to the online application
form, go to www.nimbios.org/tutorials/TT_networks
Participation in NIMBioS tutorials is by application only. Individuals with a
strong interest in the topic are encouraged to apply, and successful applicants
will be notified within two weeks after the application deadline. Limited
travel support is available for those with a demonstrated need.
Application deadline: November 18, 2018
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) (www.nimbios.org) brings together researchers from around the world to collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic and applied problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is supported by the National Science Foundation, with additional support from The University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
from: Eric Maki <eam@ams.org>
date: Oct 16, 2018, 11:40 AM
subject: New book: Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Analysis by Avner Friedman
Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Analysis, by Avner Friedman, is now
available from the American Mathematical Society.
The fast growing field of mathematical biology addresses biological questions
using mathematical models from areas such as dynamical systems, probability,
statistics, and discrete mathematics.
This book considers models that are described by systems of partial
differential equations, and it focuses on modeling, rather than on numerical
methods and simulations. The models studied are concerned with population
dynamics, cancer, risk of plaque growth associated with high cholesterol, and
wound healing. A rich variety of open problems demonstrates the exciting
challenges and opportunities for research at the interface of mathematics and
biology. The book primarily addresses students and researchers in mathematics
who do not necessarily have any background in biology and who may have had
little exposure to PDEs.
For more information, including a complete table of contents, please visit
from: Paul Atzberger <atzberg@math.ucsb.edu>
date: Oct 15, 2018, 6:29 PM
subject: Postdoc: Scientific Computation & Machine Learning, UC Santa Barbara
A postdoctoral position is available to work on problems at the interface of
scientific computation and machine learning in the research group of Paul J.
Atzberger, Math, UCSB. Research areas include development of new machine
learning methods, computational methods, and applications in the sciences and
engineering. A particular emphasis is on novel ways to incorporate prior
scientific knowledge, such as physical principles, into learning frameworks and
The collaborative project involves interactions with groups at the Department
of Energy (DOE) national laboratories and collaborating universities. More
information about this position and research can be found at the job link
below, and on Paul Atzberger’s website www.atzberger.org/.
from: Owens, Roland (NIH/OD) [E] <owensrol@mail.nih.gov>
sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 6:58 PM
resent-from: Mejia, Raymond (NIH/NHLBI) [E] <ray.mejia@nih.gov>
subject: Selected NIH Intramural Research and other job openings – October 2018
Staff Scientist Social Epidemiology Research Unit, NHGRI
(deadline: October 31)
See: main.hercjobs.org/jobs/11486657/staff-scientist-social-epidemiology-research-unit-nhgri
Chief Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Branch, NICHD
(Review of applications begins: November 1)
from: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
date: Oct 16, 2018, 6:39 PM
subject: NSF funding opportunity: Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes
Dear Colleagues,
This is a reminder of upcoming important dates for the NSF
Mathematical Sciences Research Institutes
program solicitation (NSF 17-553). Please see
for details.
— Letter of Intent (required) deadline: December 14, 2018
— Full Proposal deadline: March 14, 2019
from: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <ExtramuralNexus@mail.nih.gov>
date: Oct 15, 2018, 8:08 PM
subject: NIH Update: NIH Data Sharing, Sexual Harassment, Loan Repayment, …
For IH Update: NIH Data Sharing, Sexual Harassment, Loan Repayment, Grant
Videos and more, see
subject: SMBnet Reminders
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