December 24, 2018
- Karina Vilches (kvilchesponce@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
CNS*2019 proposals for workshops and tutorials
1Data Conference 7 Feb. 2019, Kansas
Computational Neuroscience Course 24 Jun. to 11 Jul. 2019, Okinawa
NIH Update
PhD fellowship at Max Planck Institute
PhD fellowship at Edinburgh University
PhD fellowship at the University of Stavanger
Postdoc position in Baker Lab at Virginia Tech
Postdoc positions at the University of Nottingham
QUEST programme for early career fellows in Liverpool
NSF open position Program Director
NSF Ideas Lab opportunity
National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science
SMBnet Reminders
From: Sharon Crook <Sharon.Crook@asu.edu>
Date: Tue., 18 Dec. 2018 at 14:57
Subject: CNS*2019 proposals for workshops and tutorials
Organization for Computational Neurosciences
2885 Sanford Ave SW #15359
Grandville, MI 49418
We request proposals for workshops and tutorials from the
international community of computational neuroscientists.
Proposals from all levels of faculty as well as advanced
postdoctoral fellows are welcome. This is a great opportunity
to organize a small meeting or introduce novel methodology
through a tutorial with only a few of the headaches of organizing
it. We look forward to your submissions.
See www.cnsorg.org/cns-2019-call-for-workshops
Martin Zopotocky, Workshop Organizer, CNS*2019
See www.cnsorg.org/cns-2019-call-for-tutorials
Hermann Cuntz, Tutorial Organizer, CNS*2019
From: Majid Jaberi-Douraki <jaberi@ksu.edu>
Date: Fri., 14 Dec. 2018 at 13:53
Subject: 1Data Conference 7 Feb. 2019, Kansas
1Data Conference: Transform your research through human and
animal data sharing. Summary:
This one-day conference will be hosted on Thursday, February 7,
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The event will focus on a One Health
approach to data sharing and bring together professionals from
animal, human and environmental health sectors to explore ways
that data can be used for mutually beneficial purposes, such as:
(i) Accelerating drug development
(ii) Enhancing regulatory processes
(iii) Decreasing animal testing
Speakers will discuss the 1Data platform for data sharing, local
efforts for improving human and animal health using analytical
tools, and how collaboration promotes change and enhances lives.
The day will include presentations and a panel discussion from
multiple experts in the field.
This conference is offered in partnership with BioNexus KC
(bionexuskc.org/), a nonprofit organization that dedicated
to enhancing life science initiatives in the region by fostering
relationships between academia and industry.
Agenda and Registration:
1Data Activities:
Questions: Please contact Dr. Majid Jaberi-Douraki (jaberi@ksu.edu).
From: Erik De Schutter <erik@oist.jp>
Date: Tue., 18 Dec. 2018 at 3:28
Subject: Computational Neuroscience Course 24 Jun. to 11 Jul. 2019, Okinawa
2019Methods, Neurons, Networks, and Behaviors from June 24 to
July 11, 2019Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate
University, Japan groups.oist.jp/ocnc
The aim of the Okinawa/OIST Computational Neuroscience Course
is toprovide opportunities for young researchers with theoretical
backgrounds to learn the latest advances in neuroscience, and for
those with experimental backgrounds to have hands-on experience
in computational modeling.
We invite graduate students and postgraduate researchers to
participate in the course, held from June 24th through July 11th, 2019
at an oceanfront seminar house of the Okinawa Institute of Science
and Technology Graduate University. Applications are through the
course web page groups.oist.jp/ocnc only;
January 1 – February 2, 2019.
Applicants will receive confirmation of acceptance in March.
Like in preceding years, the 16th OCNC will be a comprehensive
three-week course covering single neurons, networks, and
behaviors with ample time for student projects. The first week will
focus exclusively on methods with hands-on tutorials during the
afternoons, while the second and third weeks will have lectures by
international experts. The course has a strong hands-on component based
on student proposed modeling ordata analysis projects, which are further
refined with the help of a dedicated tutor. Applicants are required to propose
their project at the time of application.
There is no tuition fee. The sponsor will provide lodging and meals during the
course and provides partial travel support. We hope that this course will be a
good opportunity for theoretical an experimental neuroscientists to meet each
other and to explore the attractive nature and culture of Okinawa, the
southernmost island prefecture of Japan.
Invited faculty:
• Claudia Clopath (Imperial College, UK)
• Erik De Schutter (OIST)
• Kenji Doya (OIST)
• Tomoki Fukai (OIST)
• Wenbiao Gan (New York University, USA)
• Geoff Goodhill (University of Queensland, Australia)
• Jun Izawa (Tsukuba University, Japan)
• Mike Hausser (University College London, UK)
• Bernd Kuhn (OIST)
• Eve Marder (Brandeis University, USA)
• Peggy Series (University of Edinburgh, UK)
• Greg Stephens (OIST)
• Taro Toyoizumi (RIKEN BSI, Japan)
• Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama (OIST)
• Yi Zeng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <ExtramuralNexus@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec. 2018 at 8:08 PM
Subject: NIH Update
FY19 Fiscal Policies, Changes to AREA Program, New FCOI Training Module.
See nexus.od.nih.gov/all/issue/november-december-2018/?q=all
From: Tang, Evelyn <evelyn.tang@ds.mpg.de>
Date: Mon., 17 Dec. 2018 at 10:58
Subject: PhD fellowship at Max Planck Institute
In the newly established Department of Living Matter Physics (LMP) we
have a number of open PhD positions.
The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS)
at Göttingen, Germany, is an international, interdisciplinary and
collaborative environment offering an exceptional research setting. It
hosts a range of theoretical and experimental fundamental scientific
research, and is currently employs a diverse group of researchers
of about 300 people.
The LMP department engages in a wide range of theoretical research
aimed at understanding the dynamics of living systems from a physical
perspective. The department currently hosts Ramin Golestanian (director),
Andrej Vilfan (group leader), Evelyn Tang (group leader), and a number
of Gauss fellows, postdoctoral researchers, students, and visitors.
Please find more details about the position and application information at
From: Katherine Atkins <Katherine.Atkins@lshtm.ac.uk>
Date: Wed., 19 Dec. 2018 at 8:54
Subject: PhD fellowship at Edinburgh University
“Reconciling the mechanisms of HIV-1 infection acquisition and disease
Prestigious PhD opportunity to study HIV evolutionary epidemiology within
the beautiful city of Edinburgh. Great team of supervisors based in
Edinburgh, London, Sheffield, and Sweden.
Flexible project to suit the successful candidate, but will include either
mathematical modelling and/or phylogenetics. It is advisable to contact
katherine.atkins@ed.ed.uk to note interest before applying.
For more information and to apply (deadline 5pm 7th January):
From: Kristian Thorsen <kristian.thorsen@uis.no>
Date: Wed., 19 Dec. 2018 at 12:11
Subject: PhD fellowship at the University of Stavanger
The University of Stavanger, Norway, has two PhD-student positions for a
project on the spread of antimicrobial resistance in wastewater treatment
plants. One of the positions is geared towards mathematical models, and
the other is a more experimental oriented position. The positions are part
of a fully funded EU research project under the JPI-EC-AMR Joint
Transnational Call. For more information: Mathematical
(specify project no. 2 in the application):
From: Shernita Lee <shernita@vt.edu>
Date: Fri., 14 Dec. 2018 at 14:06
Subject: Postdoc position in Baker Lab at Virginia Tech
For more information, email Charlotte Baker, DrPH, MPH, CPH at
bakerc@vt.edu. To apply, email a cover letter indicating your
suitability for the position, your CV, a statement of your career
goals and availability, and three professional letters of recommendation.
If a current student, a letter from your doctoral committee chair
confirming your defense date is required.
From: Gary Mirams <gary.mirams@nottingham.ac.uk>
Date: Sun., 16 Dec. 2018 at 12:45
Subject: Postdoc positions at the University of Nottingham
Dr Gary Mirams at the School of Mathematical Sciences, University
of Nottingham, UK is advertising for postdoctoral research roles for
a new £2M Wellcome Trust grant to develop cardiac electrophysiology
models and their application to drug safety testing.
There are a number of roles associated with this grant that will:
* Develop models of drug/ion-channel binding and blocking
* Tailor electrophysiology models to different cell types
* Develop new experiments to facilitate model selection and construction
* Develop uncertainty quantification techniques to deal with biological
variability, uncertainty in model inputs and outputs, uncertainty in model
equations/structure, and compare simulation predictions with data.
Applications open now and will close on 16th January. Please see
Postdoctoral Research Positions Available
From: Bearon, Rachel <R.Bearon@liverpool.ac.uk>
Date: Thu., 20 Dec. 2018 at 10:46
Subject: QUEST programme for early career fellows in Liverpool
Expressions of interest are now invited for early career MRC skills
development fellowships hosted at the University of Liverpool.
Applicants should have a PhD in statistics, applied mathematics or
computer science and want to further develop their skills in at least
two of these quantitative areas, whilst being part of a team
undertaking research in stratified medicine, infections, regenerative
medicine and public health.
More information, including profiles of current fellows and sponsors
is available here:
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Fri., 21 Dec. 2018 at 14:19
Subject: NSF open position Program Director
The National Science Foundation is seeking a qualified candidate
for a Mathematician (Program Director) position within the Division
of Mathematical Sciences (DMS), Directorate for Mathematical and
Physical Sciences (MPS), in Alexandria, VA.
NSF Program Directors bear the primary responsibility for carrying
out the agency’s overall mission to support innovative and
merit-reviewed activities in basic research and education that
contribute to the nation’s technical strength, security, and welfare.
To fulfill this responsibility requires not only knowledge in the appropriate
disciplines, but also a commitment to high standards, a considerable
breadth of interest and receptivity to new ideas, a strong sense of fairness,
good judgment, a high degree of personal integrity, as well as excellent
teamwork and communications skills. In general the responsibilities of
an NSF Program Director involve long-range planning and budget
development, the administration of the merit review process and
proposal recommendations, the preparation of press releases, feature
articles and material describing advances in the research supported,
and coordination and liaison with other programs in NSF, other Federal
agencies and organizations.Candidates must have a Ph.D. in mathematics,
statistics, or a closely related subject, plus after award of the Ph.D., six or
more years of successful research, research administration, and/or
managerial experience pertinent to the position and demonstrated
expertise in a field of relevance to DMS disciplinary research programs,
as evidenced by research publications. In addition, candidates must
demonstrate experience with workforce development programs such as
the DMS Workforce Program in the Mathematical Sciences.
For more information and instructions on how to apply, please see the
vacancy announcement (DMS-2019-0002) for this position:
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Mon., 17 Dec. 2018 at 17:35
Subject: NSF Ideas Lab opportunity
A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 19-543) is now available:
Institutes for Data-Intensive Research in Science and Engineering Ideas
Labs (I-DIRSE-IL). Please see
for details.
Preliminary Proposal (required) Deadline Date: January 28, 2019.
Full Proposal Deadline Date: June 19, 2019.
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Mon., 17 Dec. 2018 at 18:34
Subject: National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science
The National Science and Technology Council’s Subcommittee on
Quantum Information Science “National Strategic Overview for
Quantum Information Science” was released in September 2018.
That document calls upon agencies to develop plans to address six key
policy areas to enable continued American leadership in quantum
information science. On behalf of federal agencies the NSTC
Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science seeks public input to
inform the subcommittee as the government develops potential means of
addressing the specific policy recommendations included in the Strategic
Overview. Please see
for more information.
(In lieu of the erroneous URL given on that page after “Direct input to
the website,” respondents may use the “Submit a Formal Comment”
link near the top of the page or the corrected URL
Deadline for responses: January 25, 2019
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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