January 11, 2019
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
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Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
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Issue’s Topics:
AIBS: Graduate Student Public Policy Award, Deadline Jan 14
Conference: Math Mole Biosci Biophysics, May 13-17, U Alabama
Conference: AlCoB 2019, May 28-30, Deadline Extended to Jan 19
NIMBioS: App Deadlines, Tutorial Feb 1, Workshop Feb 5
REU: Quantit. Appl. to Digestive…, May 28-Aug 16, U Michigan
Special Journal Issue: PDEs in Ecology, Deadline Jul 31
PhD Position: The Impact of Forest Roads…, U Birmingham, UK
PhD Position: Modelling Evolution of Multicellularity, Umeå U
PhD Position: Plankton-Oxygen Dynamics Under…, U Leicester
PhD Positions: AI/Data Science, KIT Karlsruhe, U Heidelberg
Post-doc: Simulation Modeling of Food Systems, Cornell U
Post-doc: Integro-difference Equ. in Spatial Ecology, UC Davis
Faculty Position: Chair, Applied Mathematics, U Manchester, UK
SMBnet Reminders
from: American Institute of Biological Sciences <jpandey@aibs.org>
date: Jan 3, 2019, 10:05 AM
subject: AIBS: Graduate Student Public Policy Award, Deadline Jan 14
See www.aibs.org/public-policy/student_opportunities.html
from: Zhao, Shan <szhao@ua.edu>
date: Dec 31, 2018, 4:08 PM
subject: Conference: Math Mole Biosci Biophysics, May 13-17, U Alabama
The NSF-CBMS conference on Mathematical Molecular Bioscience and
Biophysics will be held at the University of Alabama on May 13 – 17,
2019. This conference is sponsored by the National Science Foundation
and University of Alabama.
This NSF-CBMS conference consists of ten lectures given by the Principal
Lecturer, Professor Guowei Wei of Michigan State University, together
with research presentations by invited speakers. The conference aims to
provide an overview of the recent advances and current status of
Mathematical Molecular Bioscience and Biophysics (MMBB). Numerous areas
of mathematics, including differential equations, geometry, topology,
graph theory, combinatorics, optimization, machine learning, functional
analysis, harmonic analysis, stochastic analysis, and statistical
inference, underpin MMBB and many of their successful applications to
biosciences will be highlighted in this conference.
Individuals with a strong interest in the topic are encouraged to
participate this conference and present a poster. Registration is
required for participation. Limited fund for junior participants, such
as graduate students and postdocs, is available for local support. Links
for financial support application and registration can be found at the
conference webpage cbms.ua.edu.
Proceedings of this conference will appear in a special issue of the journal:
Computational and Mathematical Biophysics.
Registration deadline: March 15, 2019
from: IRDTA <irdta@irdta.eu>
date: Jan 7, 2019, 6:16 PM
subject: Conference: AlCoB 2019, May 28-30, Deadline Extended to Jan 19
AlCoB 2019
Berkeley, California, USA
May 28-30, 2019
For more information, see
from: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
date: Jan 7, 2019, 11:19 AM
subject: NIMBioS: App Deadlines, Tutorial Feb 1, Workshop Feb 5
NIMBioS Tutorial on Search for Selection
Application deadline: February 1, 2019
For more information, see
NIMBioS Investigative Workshop on Scientific Collaboration Enabled by
High Performance Computing
Application deadline: February 5, 2019
For more information, see
from: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
date: Jan 7, 2019, 9:46 PM
subject: REU: Quantit. Appl. to Digestive…, May 28-Aug 16, U Michigan
The Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology at the University
of Michigan is pleased to offer Summer Fellows under the Short Term
Education Program towards Digestive and Metabolic Physiology to support
undergraduate students from engineering, computational sciences,
mathematics or other quantitative backgrounds to apply their expertise
to research relevant to digestive and metabolic physiology and
associated diseases.
Students currently enrolled at any degree granting university or college
are eligible to apply, with preference give to those students interested
in a career in research. Each student will be matched, based on their
interests, to a laboratory led by a faculty member of the University of
Michigan Medical School. This collection of laboratories is involved in
nationally recognized research, in topics such as obesity and diabetes,
endocrine and metabolic diseases, kidney and urologic diseases,
nutrition and weight control.
The stipend for 2019 will be $4,200, pre-tax, for twelve weeks of
full-time work from May 28 to August 16. The start and end date of the
fellowship may be change to accommodate overlap with academic year at
home institution, if necessary.
Further details and application materials are available from the
fellowship website: goo.gl/Ym21d7.
The deadline for applications is February 1, 2019.
This summer fellowship program is partially funded by the National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
(Grant No. R25 DK088752).
from: Petrovskiy, Sergei (Prof.) <sp237@leicester.ac.uk>
date: Jan 4, 2019, 1:43 PM
subject: Special Journal Issue: PDEs in Ecology, Deadline Jul 31
Mathematics – a peer reviewed, SCIE indexed journal published by
MDPI – invites manuscripts for the special issue entitled
“Partial Differential Equations in Ecology: 80 Years and Counting”.
This special issue is designed as the inaugural issue for the new
Theoretical & Mathematical Ecology section of the journal.
For more details about the special issue, please click here:
Mathematics is a fast publication journal. The final submission deadline
is July 31, 2019; however, the manuscripts are published as soon as they
are accepted for publication.
For all details about the journal, please click here:
For any inquiries, please contact the section chief editor,
Prof. Sergei Petrovskii, at sp237@le.ac.uk
from: Natalia B Petrovskaya <n.b.petrovskaya@bham.ac.uk>
date: Jan 3, 2019, 7:45 AM
subject: PhD Position: The Impact of Forest Roads…, U Birmingham, UK
A fully funded PhD position is available for UK or EU students at the
University of Birmingham, UK. A successful candidate will work with
Dr Natalia Petrovskaya at the School of Mathematics on the project
`The impact of forest roads on the rate of biological invasion’. The aim
of the proposed project is to develop a mathematical and computational
model of biological invasion to predict how invasive plants will be
spreading when the landscape conditions in the forest are changed by
building a road. Applicants should have, or expect to achieve, a
Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics,
Theoretical Physics or another mathematically rich subject. Solid
knowledge of at least one programming language is required (MATLAB,
FORTRAN, C/C++ or similar) and good programming skills are essential.
A relevant experience in one or more of the following will be an
advantage: numerical methods, the probability theory, ordinary and/or
partial differential equations, stochastic processes.
The project is funded under the Forest Edge Doctoral Scholarships
programme supported by the Leverhulme Trust and the University of
Birmingham. Further information about the Forest Edge Doctoral
Scholarships programme, the funding conditions, and how to apply is
available at
The closing date for applications is 6th February 2019.
Informal enquiries can be made to Dr Natalia Petrovskaya at
from: Eric Libby <elibbyscience@gmail.com>
date: Jan 4, 2019, 6:20 AM
subject: PhD Position: Modelling Evolution of Multicellularity, Umeå U
A Ph.D. studentship in mathematics as related to modeling the evolution
of multicellularity is available in the research group of Eric Libby at
Umeå University in Sweden (ericlibby.github.io/). Candidates
should have some quantitative background with an interest in building
mathematical models of biological systems.
Background for the project:
The evolution of multicellularity is considered a major transition for
the evolution of life on earth that made possible significant increases
in organismal complexity. Somehow single-celled organisms, who were
successful in their own right, evolved to form new kinds of individuals
composed of many cells, multicellular organisms. While multicellularity
has evolved on dozens of independent occasions, these events occurred
millions of years ago and are absent from the fossil record. Recent
experiments, however, have made it possible to study this pivotal event
in the lab by using microorganisms to evolve primitive multicellularity
de novo. Such experimental systems provide excellent opportunities to
test hypotheses about the conditions that govern major transitions and
facilitate the evolution of additional forms of complexity.
Goal of the PhD project:
The goal of this project is to develop mathematical models that marry
theory with empirical results to uncover general principles of how life
evolves to be complex. Useful modeling techniques include differential
equations, network approaches, agent-based simulations, evolutionary
analyses, and probabilistic models.
To apply visit the website:
If there are any questions please contact Eric Libby at:
Eric Libby
Umeå University
from: Petrovskiy, Sergei (Prof.) <sp237@leicester.ac.uk>
date: Jan 5, 2019, 7:24 AM
subject: PhD Position: Plankton-Oxygen Dynamics Under…, U Leicester
A fully funded PhD position is available in the University of Leicester
(UK). The successful applicant will work under the supervision of Prof.
Sergei Petrovskii on mathematical modelling of coupled plankton-oxygen
dynamics under the climate change. The duration of the project is 3.5
years (with a possible extension to full four years). To be eligible for
funding, the applicant must be a UK or EU citizen.
Application closing date is 21st January, 2019
For all details of the project, please visit:
For any inquiries, please contact Sergei Petrovskii at sp237@le.ac.uk
from: Hilbert, Lennart (ZOO) <lennart.hilbert@kit.edu>
date: Jan 1, 2019, 12:45 PM
subject: PhD Positions: AI/Data Science, KIT Karlsruhe, U Heidelberg
12 PhD positions in the Helmholtz Integrated Data Science School for
Health (HIDSS4Health) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), and University Heidelberg. Application
deadline 17 Feb 2018.
More information and application details at: www.hidss4health.de
Pre-application enquiries can be directed towards individual
investigators. Questions regarding application procedures can be
directed towards the Karlsruhe office as well as the Heidelberg office.
from: Renata Ivanek Miojevic <ri25@cornell.edu>
date: Jan 2, 2019, 4:30 PM
subject: Post-doc: Simulation Modeling of Food Systems, Cornell U
A postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Renata Ivanek**
in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at
Cornell University to work on decision support tools for the food
production chain. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a
simulation model of food and microorganism dynamics along the food
production chain to predict food spoilage and shelf life and identify
interventions that could reduce food waste.
The preferred candidate will have (i) a PhD degree in a quantitatively
oriented field such as applied mathematics, computer science,
statistics, or epidemiology, (ii) robust research experience in
simulation modeling, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and
mathematical optimization, (iii) experience with modeling software,
including R, and (iv) good track record of publications and strong
organizational, written, and oral communication skills. The successful
candidate must be able to work independently and as an effective member
of a multidisciplinary collaborative team.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until
the position is filled. The appointment is for one year starting in
early 2019.
Application materials consist of: (i) a cover letter, (ii) CV with
contact details of three referees, and (iii) a brief statement of
research interests and career goals. They should be e-mailed to
Dr. Ivanek (ri25@cornell.edu ) as a single PDF file and with
“Ivanek: Open Epi Positions” written in the Subject line. Additional
information may be requested from shortlisted applicants.
** Dr. Ivanek’s research is in modeling and epidemiology of infectious
and foodborne diseases. Ongoing projects in her computer lab include
modeling of pathogens in complex, built environments, such as food
companies and hospitals; simulation-based decision support tools;
modeling of antibiotic resistance in livestock; studies of perceptions
about antibiotic resistance and antibiotic use among general public,
farmers and veterinarians; modeling human influenza and opioid use
dynamics; modeling and risk assessment of human exposure to Listeria
monocytogenes; and intervention and experimental trials to control
foodborne pathogens in produce growing fields. More information at
from: Alan Hastings <amhastings@ucdavis.edu>
date: Jan 5, 2019, 9:33 PM
subject: Post-doc: Integro-difference Equ. in Spatial Ecology, UC Davis
Position Summary
I am seeking a postdoc to work on problems using integro-difference
equations to look at questions in spatial ecology. This position will be
supported by my recently awarded NSF grant, Metacommunity dynamics:
integrating local dynamics, stochasticity and connectivity. The ideal
individual will have expertise in integro-difference equations including
both computational and analytical methods and as well as experience with
models of ecological systems. The position will be based at UC Davis.
The ideal start date will be June 1, 2019. The initial term will be 1 year
with extension for one more year with satisfactory performance. Salary
and benefits are competitive. The University of California is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional
commitment to the development of a climate that supports equality of
opportunity and respect for diversity.
Under the guidance of the PI, the postdoc will develop and analyze
models using integro-dfference equations to describe the dynamics of
spatial ecological systems and use these models to understand
interacting ecological species in a spatial context.
How to apply:
Email a cover letter describing your background and interests in the
position, cv, and contact information for 3 references to Alan Hastings
(amhastings@ucdavis.edu). The position is open until filled.
from: Oliver Jensen <oliver.jensen@manchester.ac.uk>
date: Jan 5, 2019, 9:01 AM
subject: Faculty Position: Chair, Applied Mathematics, U Manchester, UK
Faculty Position, Beyer Chair in Applied Mathematics,
University of Manchester, UK
The School of Mathematics at the University of Manchester is seeking to
appoint a highly talented mathematical scientist to the Beyer Chair in
Applied Mathematics. This is a senior professorial position, established
in 1881 by an endowment from the industrialist Charles Frederick Beyer.
We welcome strong applicants with expertise in any area of Applied
Mathematics, defined in its broadest sense. Salary and a competitive
start-up package are by negotiation, with scope to fully recognise
applicants of the very highest standing.
The School and the University are fully committed to Athena SWAN
principles to promote women in science, and are keen to accommodate
staff with family or caring responsibilities. We have a package of
family-friendly policies, covering flexible working, career breaks and
entitlement to paid maternity, paternity and adoption leave.
More details about the post and further particulars are available at:
Closing date: 22nd March 2019
Informal enquiries may also be directed to Professor Andrew Hazel,
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at
www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at