SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 10

SMB DIGEST ISSN 1086-6566 
March 13, 2019
This issue’s editor:Ray Mejía(
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Issue's Topics:
     Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2019
     Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling and its Applications 2019
     Graduate Student Modeling Workshop (IMSM 2019), July 2019
     Workshop: Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data, May 21-23, Pittsburgh
     MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium March 20
     AlCoB 2019: call for posters
     Book announcement: Cellular Biophysics and Modeling
     Postdoctoral Position: Mathematical Modeling of the Immunity
     Postdoc in Computational Systems & Synthetic Biology, U Edinburgh
     Postdoctoral Position: Climate and Cholera Dynamics in Africa
     Postdoc positions at Laubenbacher and Mendes Groups
     Lecturer Position: Quantitative Data Science, U Florida
     Professor of Mathematical Optimization
     Open Faculty Position,  University of Missouri-Columbia
     NSF NeuroNex: Next Generation Networks for Neuroscience
     NIH Update: Anti-Sexual Harassment Efforts, Early Stage Investigator ..
     SMBnet Reminders


from: Gabriel Kreiman <>
date: Mar 7, 2019, 7:36 PM
subject: Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2019

Brains, Minds and Machines Summer Course 2019
A Special Topics Course at MBL Woods Hole, MA
Directors: Gabriel Kreiman, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School; and
Tomaso Poggio, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Course Dates: August 8 – August 29, 2019
Application Deadline: April 8, 2019
More information:


from: Emilia Vynnycky <>
date: Mar 8, 2019, 1:18 PM
subject: Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling and its Applications 2019

2 week intensive course on:

organized jointly between the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and
Public Health England
Venue: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Course dates: 17th -28th June 2019
Cost: £2,614

Further details about the course content and an application form are available
or contact one of the course organizers:
Emilia Vynnycky or Richard White  (e-mail: or or or the LSHTM Registry
(email: )


from: Mansoor Haider <>
date: Mar 11, 2019, 5:22 PM
subject: Graduate Student Modeling Workshop (IMSM 2019), July 2019	

The 25th Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (IMSM) Workshop for
Graduate Students will take place at North Carolina State University in
Raleigh, NC, between July 14-24, 2019.  The workshop is sponsored by the
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) along with the
Center for Research in Scientific Computation (CRSC), and the Dept. of
Mathematics at North Carolina State University.

The IMSM workshop exposes graduate students in mathematics, statistics and
engineering to exciting real-world problems from industry and government.  The
workshop provides  students with experience in a research team environment and
exposure to possible career opportunities.  On the first day, a bootcamp on
building software in teams will bring students up-to-date on programming skills
and introduce them to version control systems and software repositories.

Local expenses and travel support will be covered for graduate students at US
institutions that are admitted to the workshop

The official application deadline is April 15, 2019, but full consideration
will be given to all applications received prior to April 30, 2019.  Further
Information is available at and questions can be
directed to


from: Byron Yu <>
date: Mar 12, 2019, 12:44 AM
subject: Workshop: Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data, May 21-23, Pittsburgh

The ninth international workshop on Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data
(SAND9) will take place on May 21-23, 2019, in Pittsburgh, PA.

- March 20: Abstracts for Young Investigator Talks (open to students, postdocs,
or assistant professors; talks to be selected by organizing committee)
- March 25: Request for travel support (**most attendees will receive
substantial travel support**)
- April 15: Abstracts for Contributed Posters

Abstract submission and more information can be found on the SAND9 website:


from: Tony Nance <>
date: Mar 12, 2019, 10:55 AM
subject: MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium March 20

MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium
Wednesday March 20, 2019 at Noon Eastern Time

Franziska Michor (Computational Biology, Department of Biostatistics, 
Harvard University)

Mathematical Modeling of Cancer Evolution

Details of how to participate can be found on the National Colloquium 
webpage below.
To view this live event you will need to register on the event page. You 
may register at any time

Next Online Colloquium
Apr 17  Denise Kirschner (Microbiology and Immunology, University of 


from: IRDTA <>
date: Mar 8, 2019, 3:16 PM
subject: AlCoB 2019: call for posters

The 6th International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB
2019) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. AlCoB 2019 will be
held in Berkeley on May 28-30, 2019. See

Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with
conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion.


from: Greg Conradi Smith <>
date: Mar 6, 2019, 5:16 PM
subject: Book announcement: Cellular Biophysics and Modeling

Cellular Biophysics and Modeling : A primer on the computational biology of excitable cells
Greg Conradi Smith 
Cambridge University Press 2019

Book description 

What every neuroscientist should know about the mathematical modeling of
excitable cells. Combining empirical physiology and nonlinear dynamics, this
text provides an introduction to the simulation and modeling of dynamic
phenomena in cell biology and neuroscience. It introduces mathematical modeling
techniques alongside cellular electrophysiology. Topics include membrane
transport and diffusion, the biophysics of excitable membranes, the gating of
voltage and ligand-gated ion channels, intracellular calcium signalling, and
electrical bursting in neurons and other excitable cell types. It introduces
mathematical modeling techniques such as ordinary differential equations, phase
plane, and bifurcation analysis of single-compartment neuron models. With
analytical and computational problem sets, this book is suitable for life
sciences majors, in biology to neuroscience, with one year of calculus, as well
as graduate students looking for a primer on membrane excitability and calcium


'In this text, Conradi Smith does an excellent job of teaching students with no
mathematical training beyond calculus how to use differential equations to
understand the basic principles of cell physiology and excitability. He
skillfully walks students through the steps of modeling and analysis, all the
while working to develop intuition and insight into how things work. His
emphasis on computational methods for solution as well as graphical and
geometrical means for interpretation enables him to communicate complex ideas
in understandable ways. Furthermore, his patience and attention to detail will
be appreciated by those students who have not had extensive exposure to the art
of mathematical modeling. This text is a wonderful addition to the mathematical
biology textbook literature.’  (James P. Keener - University of Utah) 


from: Tomas Helikar <>
date: Mar 6, 2019, 3:32 PM
subject: Postdoctoral Position: Mathematical Modeling of the Immunity

The University of Nebraska - Lincoln is looking for a highly motivated
postdoctoral fellow to work on mathematical and computational modeling of the
human immune system. More details about the position can be found here:

Please contact Dr. Tomas Helikar ( with any questions.


from: OYARZUN Diego <>
date: Mar 8, 2019, 6:51 AM
subject: Postdoc in Computational Systems & Synthetic Biology, U Edinburgh

We are advertising a postdoctoral position in the group of Diego Oyarzún at the
University of Edinburgh. Interested applicants should contact attaching a CV and research interests. Details on the post
and application instructions can be found at

Application deadline is 01 April 2019.


from: Zachary Margulies <>
date: Mar 8, 2019, 2:19 PM
subject: Postdoctoral Position: Climate and Cholera Dynamics in Africa

Postdoctoral Position: Climate and Cholera Dynamics in Africa

Our group in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on a
project aimed at understanding links between climate and cholera in Africa.
Application due date: May 1, 2019.

The ideal applicant will have both quantitative experience in epidemiology,
statistics, environmental science and/or ecology and an interest in public
health research related to disease prevention and control. Applicants with, or
nearing completion of, a doctoral degree in a relevant field will be
considered. Those with experience in working with both climate and disease data
will be given priority.

The successful applicant will work with Justin Lessler, Andrew Azman and Ben
Zaitchik on a project primarily funded by NASA that aims to better understand
the relationships between climate and cholera in Africa and use this
understanding to develop regional early warning systems. Our team has built a
massive database of global cholera incidence and mortality data, which will
serve as an important part of the data underlying this work. Through working
with partners involved in both global cholera control (e.g., WHO and Global
Taskforce for Cholera Control) and those on the ground (e.g., Save the
Children), the aim is to both make scientific advancements and develop
practical tools to help in the fight against cholera.

The successful applicant will be joining a highly collaborative group
( who work on projects ranging from empirical data
collection to theoretical modeling of disease dynamics, and there will be ample
opportunities to work on cross-cutting projects focused on issues in infectious
disease transmission and control.

The position will be for 1-2 years, depending on applicant interest and career

Interested candidates should contact Zachary Margulies ( with
a CV, statement of interest, and references. Application will be considered on
a rolling basis and should be submitted by May 1, 2019.


from: Laubenbacher,Reinhard C. <>
date: Mar 9, 2019, 6:36 AM
subject: Postdoc positions at Laubenbacher and Mendes Groups

The Laubenbacher and Mendes Groups at the Center for Quantitative Medicine,
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, have several immediate openings
for postdoctoral researchers. Projects include mathematical and computational
modeling of infectious disease processes, immunity, whole-body iron metabolism,
as well as software development for systems biology modeling tools.

Please send inquiries to Reinhard Laubenbacher, or Pedro


from: Denis Valle <>
date: Mar 11, 2019, 10:01 AM
subject: Lecturer Position: Quantitative Data Science, U Florida

New lecturer position in Quantitative Data Science here at Univ. of Florida.

This is a 12-month non-tenure-accruing position that will be 100% teaching
(College of Agricultural and Life Sciences), 0% research (Florida Agricultural
Experiment Station) and 0% extension (Florida Cooperative Extension Service),
available in the School of Forest Resources and Conservation, Institute of Food
and Agricultural Sciences, at the University of Florida. This assignment may
change in accordance with the needs of the unit. Duties and responsibilities
include: developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, short
courses and workshops. The teaching responsibilities may include both on-line
as well as face-to-face instruction in one or more of the following areas:
scientific programming, data wrangling, visualization and analysis, “big data”
analysis, and statistical analysis. Up to 30% of this position will be devoted
to solving data problems with students, through one-to-one consulting, informal
data related events (e.g., hackathons), and possibly participating on graduate
student committees. Successful candidates should have a strong interest in
teaching and mentoring, contributing to the existing courses and to the
development of innovative undergraduate and graduate curricula that
encompasses/integrates quantitative data science across our campus. A
successful candidate should be able to effectively communicate technical
concepts to students from a wide range of backgrounds and should be committed
to a vision that includes instruction in emerging new approaches to data

Additional information can be found in the link


from:	Weiß, Tanja ( <>
date:	Mar 12, 2019, 10:06 AM
subject: Professor of Mathematical Optimization 

Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing is filling a

Professor (f/m) of Mathematical Optimization
(40 hours a week;  permanent employment according to the Austrian Law on
Salaried Employment (AngG); Expected starting date October 1, 2020)

For more information follow the link:
In case of equal qualifications, women will receive priority consideration.


from: MU CBMI Admin <>
date: Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 7:08 PM
subject: Open Faculty Position,  University of Missouri-Columbia

Assistant, Associate or Full Professor, Department of Health Management and
Informatics (primary) and Department of Emergency Medicine (secondary), School
of Medicine, University of Missouri



from: Whang, Kenneth C. <>
date: Mar 11, 2019, 7:57 AM
subject: NSF NeuroNex: Next Generation Networks for Neuroscience

NSF's NeuroNex Program is pleased to announce the release of a new
solicitation, NSF 19-563 (
A link to the program page can be found at  Under this program,
four foreign funding partners are joining the NSF to support international
teams of disciplinarily diverse experimentalists, theorists, and research
resource developers (including technology and cyberinfrastructure) working on a
common foundational question in neuroscience.  We plan on hosting an
informational Webinar in late March or early April.  The Webinar will be
announced on the program page.


from: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
date: Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 8:11 PM
subject: NIH Update: Anti-Sexual Harassment Efforts, Early Stage Investigator ..

NIH Update: Anti-Sexual Harassment Efforts, Early Stage Investigator FAQs, NIH
Regional Seminar, and more



subject: SMBnet Reminders

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