SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 3

January 25, 2019
This issue’s editor:


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Issue’s Topics:
School: PDEs in Math Biol: Model…., 29 Apr-3 May, U Edinburgh
Workshop: Teaching Computational Science, Jun 12-14, Portugal
REU: Tropical Ecol., Puerto Rico, May 27-Aug 2, App. Due Feb 28
REU: Modeling & Simulation, MTSU, Jun 2-Jul 31, App. Due Feb 15
Courses: Modeling in Art & Science, Jul 7-14, Crete
Book: Linear Algebra & Learning from Data Sets, Gilbert Strang
AIBS: BioScience Volume 69, Issue 1
AIBS: January 2019 Newsletter
MSc & PhD Positions: Theoretical Ecology, Memorial U, Canada
Post-doc: Human-Environment Modelling, U Guelph, Canada
Post-doc: Circadian clock, Sleep and Cognition, KAIST, Korea
Tenure-Track: Systems Pharmacology & Math Oncology, CHNMC, US
Tenure-Track: Department of Physiology, McGill U, Canada
NIH: Hiring Health Science Administrators
SMBnet Reminders


from: Painter, Kevin <>
date: Jan 16, 2019, 4:37 AM
subject: School: PDEs in Math Biol: Model…., 29 Apr-3 May, U Edinburgh

Applications are invited to attend the LMS Research School on “PDEs in
Mathematical Biology: Modelling and Analysis”

The school will run from 29th April to 3rd May 2019 and is to be held at
the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS), Edinburgh.
For details of the lecturers, speakers and programme, please visit

The school will be supported by the London Mathematical Society (LMS),
Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI), Maxwell Institute Graduate School in
Analysis and its Applications (MIGSAA) and Glasgow Mathematical Journal
Trust. Consequently, there is funding to support local accommodation for
attendees and potentially some travel costs. For details of the
application process, please visit and follow the links from the above

The deadline for applications is 31st January 2019.

For informal enquiries, please contact Mariya Ptashnyk
( or Kevin Painter (


from: Shiflet, Angela B. <>
date: Jan 21, 2019, 6:53 PM
subject: Workshop: Teaching Computational Science, Jun 12-14, Portugal

June 12 – 14, 2019, the International Conference on Computational
Science (ICCS 2019) will be held in beautiful Faro, Algarve, Portugal,
an area that has a wonderful mixture of history and beaches. At the
conference, The Workshop on Teaching Computational Science will focus on
education. There are submission options for an oral presentation with a
full paper or with an abstract only. We hope you will submit a paper or
abstract to the workshop or the conference by the extended deadline,
February 15, 2019. Please let us know if you have any questions.


from: AIBS <>
date: Jan 18, 2019, 9:25 AM
subject: REU: Tropical Ecol., Puerto Rico, May 27-Aug 2, App. Due Feb 28

REU Tropical Ecology


from: Wandi Ding <>
date: Jan 17, 2019, 8:37 AM
subject: REU: Modeling & Simulation, MTSU, Jun 2-Jul 31, App. Due Feb 15

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
Computational Modeling and Simulation in the Applied Sciences
Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
Summer 2019: June 2 to July 31

Overview: Are you an undergraduate interested in improving your coding
skills to address research problems in the sciences? Interested in
spending a summer at a dynamic university, working with a faculty member
and meeting others who share your interests? Getting paid to enhance
your resume and edge out other applicants with your advanced skills? If
so, you will be interested in applying for a National Science Foundation
supported summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
focused on the computational modeling in the applied sciences. Eight
lucky undergraduate students will work with MTSU faculty on
computational research problems in molecular modeling, bioscience,
acoustics, and optics. Each student will complete a specific
computational research problem in collaboration with a faculty mentor.
To support the research process, there will be a Python boot camp to
elevate students’ programming skills and experience. Other events will
include professional development and social activities. At the end of
the program, students will share their research findings in a symposium.
The program will run from June 2 to July 31, 2019 (8 weeks).

Flyer: Please help us advertise the program by posting our flyer at your
institution –

Eligibility: All applicants who are interested in receiving NSF support
must currently be a (1) U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent
resident and (2) an undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
graduating no earlier than September 2020. We are especially encouraging
students from traditionally under-represented groups in mathematics and
science (i.e., African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans,
Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, students with
disabilities, first generation college students, and U.S. veterans) as
well as students from institutions with limited research opportunities
(e.g., community colleges) or students in financial need to apply. The
online application is available at

Support: Participants will receive a stipend ($4,000) plus housing and
subsistence, financial assistance for travel to and from Murfreesboro.
For full consideration, on-line applications must be received by
February 15, 2019.

Contact information: For more information about the REU Site, visit or contact Dr. Wandi Ding


from: Irina Kareva <>
date: Jan 16, 2019, 1:04 PM
subject: Courses: Modeling in Art & Science, Jul 7-14, Crete

Unbound Prometheus is one of the top summer programs in Europe offering
seminars in the forefront of academic research. This year’s program
includes two courses on “Mathematical Modeling in Art and Science”,
where the students will be introduced to the basic tools of mathematical
modeling and shown how a concept, or an idea can be translated into
variables and equations.

The students will then learn the foundations of bifurcation theory – how
equations can be analyzed to make predictions about system behavior
under different conditions. From there, the foundation will be in place
to explore the various applications of these tools – from studying
evolution of heterogeneous populations subject to various environmental
constraints, to using models to describe the behavior of cancer and
immune cells, to using equations to describe and predict the behavior of
drugs in disease (field known as pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics),
to using mathematical models to capture the key features of ancient
Greek ornamental designs.

Our seminars can be taken by:
-Advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
-Students in the last two grades of high school.
-Adults wishing to have a fun educational experience and use the program
as a springboard to explore other parts of Greece.

The course runs from July 7-14, 2019.

Further information can be found at


from: Kristin E. O’Neill <>
date: Jan 16, 2019, 12:55 PM
subject: Book: Linear Algebra & Learning from Data Sets, Gilbert Strang

Linear Algebra and learning from Data
Gilbert Strang

This is a textbook to help readers understand the steps that lead to
deep learning. Linear algebra comes first—especially singular values,
least squares, and matrix factorizations. Often the goal is a low rank
approximation A = CR (column-row) to a large matrix of data-to see its
most important part. This uses the full array of applied linear algebra,
including randomization for very large matrices.

For more information:


from: AIBS <>
date: Jan 16, 2019, 9:25 AM
subject: AIBS: BioScience Volume 69, Issue 1



from: American Institute of Biological Sciences <>
date: Jan 22, 2019, 11:17 AM
subject: AIBS: January 2019 Newsletter



from: Amy Hurford <>
date: Jan 22, 2019, 2:17 PM
subject: MSc & PhD Positions: Theoretical Ecology, Memorial U, Canada

MSc and PhD positions in Theoretical Ecology

The Hurford Lab ( at Memorial University
is recruiting graduate students at both the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. Our
research group studies population dynamics incorporating temperature
effects, animal movement, disease, and evolution. We formulate and test
specific hypothesis using mathematical models and parameterize and
evaluate our models using data. We analyze mathematical models that are
systems of ordinary differential equations, delay differential
equations, partial differential equations, integrodifference equations,
or optimization problems and these models are applied to a wide variety
of systems including green crab, rabies, and salmon lice. Specific
research projects may include optimal pest treatment strategies in
seasonal environments, temperature effects on population dynamics and
movement, explicit models of animal movement and contact rates, or
collaborative work deriving models related to laboratory research on
antibiotic resistance in Klebsiella. Our research usually involves
computer coding and numerical methods and many scripts pertaining to lab
research are available here:

The salary will be $18,000 (MSc) or $20,000 (PhD) annually with
additional funding available for conference travel. Tuition information
is available here: The ideal
candidate will have experience deriving and analyzing mathematical
models, formulating scientific questions, computer programming,
mathematical analysis, and scientific writing, however, all interested
candidates are encouraged to apply.

Applicants should email Dr. Amy Hurford ( This email
should include: (i) 1-2 paragraphs describing your research interests
and any relevant past experience, (ii) your CV, and (iii) unofficial
transcripts pertaining to your previous or ongoing studies (if
possible). I will consider applications as they are received. For full
consideration applicants should indicate their interest before February
15, 2019, but applications received after this date may be considered.


from: Chris Bauch <>
date: Jan 18, 2019, 1:55 PM
subject: Post-doc: Human-Environment Modelling, U Guelph, Canada

Please see


from: Jaekyoung Kim <>
date: Jan 23, 2019, 11:20 PM
subject: Post-doc: Human-Environment Modelling, U Guelph, Canada

Postdoc: Circadian clock, Sleep and Cognition, KAIST, Korea

The Kim Lab ( at the Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)’s Department of Mathematical
Sciences has announced a postdoctoral fellow to join a HFSP-funded
project: development a mathematical model and performing data analysis
to investigate the function of the circadian clock to mediate
sleep-regulated neurophysiology and cognition in collaboration with an
optogenetic lab (U of Düsseldorf) and sleep labs (U of Michigan and U of
Groningen). The position is supported by Human Frontier Science Program
( It will be renewed yearly
subject to satisfactory performance. Salary and benefits including
housing and health insurances are competitive.

Candidates should have experience in the mathematical modeling of
biological systems and an understanding of biochemical kinetics and
cell biology. Data analysis experience (e.g. Machine learning) is
recommended, but not required.

For inquiries, please contact Jae Kyoung Kim via email at Applications, including a full CV, a cover letter
explaining suitability for the position, and the names and addresses of
two referees should be sent to Prof. Kim.


from: Rockne, Russell <>
date: Jan 17, 2019, 10:05 PM
subject: Tenure-Track: Systems Pharmacology & Math Oncology, CHNMC, US

Assistant Research Professor position open in systems pharmacology and
mathematical oncology at City of Hope National Medical Center in sunny
southern California.

for more information and details.


from: Kayla Gibbons AEC10-HRacademic <>
date: Jan 21, 2019, 2:52 PM
subject: Tenure-Track: Department of Physiology, McGill U, Canada



from: Roman, Gerard (NIH/OD) [E] <>
date: Jan 23, 2019, 12:48 PM
resent-from: Raymond Mejía <>
subject: Tenure-Track: Department of Physiology, McGill U, Canada

The National Institutes of Health is seeking Program Officers,
Scientific Review Officers, Social and Behavioral Scientist
Administrators. Some positions may offer allowance! There are many ways
to advance your scientific career!



Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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