8th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2022)

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    Dear all,

    We are delighted to announce the 8th International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2022). The conference will take place online from July 6th to 8th, 2022, between 14:00 and 18:00 (GMT+2).

    ICMNS is an interdisciplinary conference series, bringing together theoretical neuroscientists and mathematicians. The conferences are aimed at scientists interested in using or developing mathematical techniques for neuroscience problems.

    It is our pleasure to confirm that this year’s plenary speakers will be:

    Danielle Bassett (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
    Sue Ann Campbell (University of Waterloo, Canada)
    Thomas Serre (Brown University, USA)
    There will be 6 minisymposium sessions, covering a broad set of topics in mathematical neuroscience. Each minisymposium consists of 4 talks, 3 of which will be given by early career researchers.

    * Stochastic models for  neuronal activity,
    Organiser: Laura Sacerdote (University of Turin, Italy)

    * Patterns and Rhythms in Balanced Neural Networks,
    Organiser: James MacLaurin (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)

    * Metastable dynamics in neural circuits,
    Organiser: Tilo Schwalger (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)

    * Learning (and compressing) stochastic sequences of events,
    Organiser: Antonio Galves (Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil)

    * Nonlinear PDEs of Fokker–Planck type in neuroscience,
    Organisers: Pierre Jules Abel Roux (University of Oxford, UK) and Susanne Solem (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)

    * Dynamical system of psychiatric disorders,
    Organisers: Christoffer Alexandersen (University of Oxford, UK) and Louisiane Lemaire (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)

    In addition, there is an open call for micro-talks, delivered to the whole audience. Micro-talk sessions are one-hour sessions consisting of a sequence of very short introductions (2 minutes, 1 slide) by the presenters to their research, followed by an opportunity to chat with individual presenters about their research in breakout rooms. We encourage micro-talks submissions by researchers from all areas of mathematical neuroscience and at all career stages. Submissions can be made at this link. The submission deadline is the 31st of May at 23:59 (GMT+2).

    Please visit our website to submit subscribe to our mailing list and YouTube channel:


    We look forward to seeing you (virtually) in July!

    Best wishes,

    Áine Byrne
    Daniele Avitabile
    Massimiliano Tamborrino
    Etienne Tanré

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