Chair and Lecturer Positions in Applied Mathematics / Statistics, Sheffield, UK

About SMB Forums Open Positions Chair and Lecturer Positions in Applied Mathematics / Statistics, Sheffield, UK

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  • #7106
    Alex Fletcher

    The School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Sheffield is seeking to make Chair and Lecturer (UK equivalent of Assistant Professor) appointments at the interface of Applied Mathematics and Statistics. Your research interests will include the development and application of statistical or machine learning methodology to support and enhance the mathematical modelling of physical and/or natural systems. You will have expertise in at least one of: data science; machine learning; uncertainty quantification for mathematical models; Bayesian statistics. For a Chair position you would be expected to show leadership in developing initiatives that draw together statisticians and mathematical modellers from different disciplines, as well as taking on leadership roles within the School. You should be committed to delivering high-quality teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and will be required to supervise MSc dissertations on statistical topics.

    For more details, please visit

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