CIME School “Mathematical modelling for epidemiology”, September 5-9

About SMB Forums Conferences CIME School “Mathematical modelling for epidemiology”, September 5-9

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  • #7527

    We announce the opening of the applications to join the CIME summer school
    Mathematical modeling for epidemiology: analysis, simulation and forecasting
    to be held from September 5th to September 9th, 2022, at the Grand Hotel San Michele, Cetraro (Cosenza, Italy).


    A short overview of the program is attached to this email.

    Deadline for applications is May 15th, 2022 at the link
    A limited number of scholarships (covering inscription fees, lodging and meals) for PhD students and post-docs are available.

    We kindly ask you to transmit the information to students, collaborators and colleagues, who may be interested in participating in the course.

    Best regards,
    Corrado Mascia
    (on behalf of the Scientific Committee)



    corrado mascia
    full professor in mathematical analysis
    +39 0649913203 — Room: 121 (1st floor)
    mathematics department “g. castelnuovo”
    sapienza, university of rome, italy


    The recent dramatic events associated to the spread of the COVID-19 disease in many parts of the industrialized world, and the subsequent necessity of applying efficient confinement strategies to control the pandemic without frustrating the social-economic environment, have drawn the attention to the pivotal role of mathematical modeling in epidemiology and related issues.
    The aim of the school is to provide a better understanding of how mathematicians qualitatively describe and measure infectious disease outbreaks, by exploring pressing questions such as how many people have been infected, how infections are identified and measured, how infectious is the virus, and what can be done to combat it. This subject area being intrinsically multidisciplinary, the courses are conceived to cover a broad spectrum of approaches and techniques, ranging from deterministic models of population dynamics to stochastic description or agent- based systems, together with controllability and observability issues, toward statistical data analysis and uncertainty quantification.
    The principal objective of the school is training a new generation of researchers in mathematical modeling and simulation for epidemiology in order to provide valuable support in the decision-making process to public health managers and institution executives.

    Course 1 – Population dynamics of infectious diseases
    Odo DIEKMANN, Mathematical Institute – Utrecht University, The

    Course 2 – Optimal control with epidemiological applications
    Maurizio FALCONE, Department of Mathematics – Sapienza University of
    Rome, Italy

    Course 3 – The mathematics and statistics of infectious disease outbreaks
    Tom BRITTON, Department of Mathematics – Stockholm University, Sweden

    Course 4 – Outbreak response case studies
    Christl DONNELLY, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health – Imperial College London, United Kingdom

    Andrea BERTOZZI, Department of Mathematics – University of California
    Los Angeles, USA

    Seminars and project – the case study of COVID-19 pandemic

    Ilaria DORIGATTI, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health – Imperial College London, United Kingdom

    Ganna ROZHNOVA, Department of Epidemiology – University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands

    Antonio CAPELLA, Marcos A. CAPISTRAN, J. Andres CHRISTEN, National
    Autonomous University of Mexico and CONACYT, Mexico

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