FACM-22 Conference ‘New Perspectives in Math Biology’ May 20-21, NJIT

About SMB Forums Conferences FACM-22 Conference ‘New Perspectives in Math Biology’ May 20-21, NJIT

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    On May 20 and 21, 2022, the 17th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics (FACM ’22) will be held at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) in Newark, New Jersey.

    The theme of FACM ’22 Conference is “New Perspectives in Mathematical  Biology.”


    Confirmed plenary speakers are:
    Carina Curto (Pennsylvania State University)
    Anita Layton (University of Waterloo)
    Grzegorz Rempala (Ohio State University)
    Corina Tarnita (Princeton University)

    FACM ’22 will feature 4 minisymposia that cover a wide range of topics in math biology: (1) collective behavior in biological populations, (2) stochastic modeling at different scales, (3) learning paradigms in real and artificial neuronal networks, and (4) biofluids: machine learning and data-drive approaches.

    A poster session will run concurrently over the 2 days of  the meeting. Pending NSF support, funds to cover all or part of the travel costs and local accommodation costs may be available for students, postdocs, and junior faculty.  Applications by members of underrepresented groups, minorities and women are particularly encouraged.

    A combined poster abstract submission, travel award application and registration form (due April 15, 2022) is available at the conference homepage: https://sites.google.com/njit.edu/facm2022/home

    There is no registration fee for this conference.

    NJIT campus is located in close proximity to two train stations, the Newark Liberty International airport, and is accessible by public transportation from New York City: https://www.njit.edu/about/maps-directions

    FACM’22 Organizing Committee:

    Amitabha Bose (co-Chair), Casey Diekman, Simon Garnier, Enkeleida Lushi, James MacLaurin, Victor Matveev (co-Chair), Peter Thomas, Yuan-Nan Young


    Victor Matveev, Professor
    Applied Math, Biophysics, Neuroscience
    Department of Mathematical Sciences
    Graduate Faculty, Dept of Biological Sciences
    New Jersey Institute of Technology
    Newark, NJ 07102-1982

    E-mail: matveev@njit.edu

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