Dear Fellow SMB Members,
I am looking to start a new SMB subgroup in ‘Mathematical and Computational Ophthalmology’ to promote this field and support the researchers working within it (more details below). To do this I need to petition the Board of Directors with the names at least 30 regular members who would like to be members of the subgroup. If this subgroup would be of interest to you, please might you send me a brief email at to let me know and I will add your name to the petition?
Mathematical Ophthalmology (a new term coined by me) concerns the use of mechanistic mathematical models to derive insight into the mechanisms underpinning the structure and function of the eye in health, development and disease and to predict the effects of existing and putative treatments. Computational Ophthalmology (an existing term) involves the application of advanced computational techniques, including artificial intelligence, to the big data being generated in ophthalmology, to identify pathology and predict disease progression.
Kind regards,
Paul Roberts
SMQB Centre Fellow, University of Birmingham, UK