MS at ICCB2023 on multi-scale modelling and neural network simulations

About SMB Forums Conferences MS at ICCB2023 on multi-scale modelling and neural network simulations

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  • #8216
    Alf Gerisch

    We are organising the mini-symposium

    MS17 “Multi-scale modelling of biomechanical systems and their simulation using neural networks”,
    see for the abstract,

    as part of the forthcoming 10th International Conference on Computational Bioengineering (ICCB 2023), September 20-22, 2023, Vienna, Austria.

    We kindly invite readers to submit a relevant abstract for a presentation in this mini-symposium (time slots of 20 minutes). Instructions and access to the online submission system can be found at

    Please select that your presentation is associated with our mini-symposium MS17.

    The submission deadline is March 31, 2023.

    Further information about the conference can be found at the web site

    Raimondo Penta (
    Alf Gerisch (

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