Online Summer School “Modeling Shape and Size in Biological Development”,

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    Online Summer School “Modeling Shape and Size in Biological Development”, 24-28 August 2020

    Organizers: Mark Alber (UC Riverside), Christophe Grodin (INRIA and ENS Lyon), Philip Maini (U Oxford), and Roeland Merks (U Leiden)

    The summer school will focus on multiscale models in Developmental Biology, rooted in the cellular level, i.e. models making links between cellular processes such as cellular growth and division, cell movement and interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM), mechanical or chemical signaling between cells, etc. and organ shape development at higher spatial scales.

    As a student in the school, you will be exposed to state-of-the-art examples of multiscale modeling in development. Through project work in collaboration with one of the lecturers, you will get hands-on experience with the development of mathematical and computational models. In a small team, you will develop a simple, but novel example model to answer an open scientific question proposed by the lecturers. For example, the lecturer could show interesting imaging data. In your team you will then discuss what existing models are available to explain the phenomena shown by the data, and develop predictive models based on these.

    You will be required to have already some experience in modeling, but will be asked to work with a method that is new to you.

    Participants (PhD students and postdocs) will be divided into groups of 5 to work on the projects. Each participant will be in two groups:
    – one in which they will be a leader (they have expertise),
    – the other in which they not really know the field so they will learn something new.

    Registration (deadline 24 July) at

    See also the poster in the attachment or as PDF at:

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