Postdoc in the Dawes Lab at OSU

About SMB Forums Open Positions Postdoc in the Dawes Lab at OSU

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  • #7314

    The Dawes Lab at The Ohio State University is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Scholar. The postdoctoral scholar will be involved in an R01-funded project investigating biochemical, mechanical and geometric regulation of centrosome movement in polarized cells. This project closely integrates theoretical and experimental approaches to provide new insights into multiscale patterns and movement, with applications in cell and developmental biology including cell fate specification and asymmetric cell division. The postdoctoral scholar will be expected to develop novel mathematical models and tools to uncover the regulatory mechanisms for nonlinear and often nonlocal dynamics associated with centrosome movement.

    Required qualifications:
    Applicants must have a PhD degree (or equivalent) in mathematics, physics, or a closely related field, and demonstrated expertise in the development and analysis of biologically-motivated models. Applicants should have strong written and oral communication skills, and the ability to work in a highly collaborative and multidisciplinary environment.

    Additional information:
    The postdoctoral fellowship is a one-year appointment renewable for up to two additional years, depending on performance and availability of funds. The start date is flexible, and the position will remain open until filled.

    More details and application instructions can be found here:$392530/9925$57241.htmld


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