Postdoctoral Position in Quantitative Biological Modeling

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    Postdoctoral Research Fellows in Quantitative Biological Modeling, Systems Biology, and Biomedical Data Analysis

    The research group led by Dr. Pan-Jun Kim at Hong Kong Baptist University (Department of Biology) invites applications for postdoctoral research fellows in the areas of quantitative biological modeling, systems biology, and/or biomedical data analysis. Hong Kong Baptist University is a public institution funded by the Hong Kong SAR Government, promoting academic excellence and innovation. Information on Pan-Jun Kim’s group can be found from

    The research will focus on the predictive computational modeling of (i) microbial communities and their interactions with human immune systems, and (ii) various metabolic, regulatory, and signaling networks inside/between cells, and (iii) large-scale analysis of medical multi-omic data. Screening of applications begins immediately and will continue until the positions are filled.

    Applicants for postdoctoral research fellows should satisfy at least one of the following conditions (i)-(iii): (i) strongly experienced in mathematical modeling and programing languages such as Python and C++, (ii) familiar with various machine learning algorithms, or (iii) familiar with statistics and high-throughput -omics data. To apply, please send your cover letter and curriculum vitae (including the contact information of at least three references) to Dr. Pan-Jun Kim through the email address: panjunkim (AT) hkbu (DOT) edu (DOT) hk.

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