Postdoctoral researcher viral dynamics IMI Sofia Bulgaria

About SMB Forums Open Positions Postdoctoral researcher viral dynamics IMI Sofia Bulgaria

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    The Group of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Analysis at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Science has a position available for a postdoctoral researcher to support and develop our research in mathematical biology. The project focuses on mathematical models of within-host viral dynamics for HIV under the supervision of Dr. Peter Rashkov. The position is funded by the Ministry of Education and Science in Bulgaria through the Scientific Program PIKOM for a period of up to 24 months.

    Brief annotation

    Current antiretroviral therapy (ART) cannot eradicate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A reservoir of latently infected CD4+ T cells or viral infection of other cells such as macrophages may contribute to viral persistence during ART. Medication regimens of ART are characterized by different pharmacodynamic properties (drug efficacy, decay, uptake intervals, drug combinations, etc.) which translates into diverse plasma viral loads and immune response profiles.

    The postdoc will develop and apply mathematical models on within-host viral dynamics and ART and analyze them from the standpoint of optimal control theory. The work will include analysis of the existence and properties of viability kernels and reachable sets for the system dynamics that are associated with persistently reduced plasma viral RNA load. This analysis will help elucidate the pharmacodynamic effects on the long-term HIV-1 viral dynamics under ART.


    We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with the following qualifications:

    • New or recent PhD in mathematical/theoretical biology, or control theory/optimization
    • Exceptional research potential
    • Strong programming skills a plus
    • Experience in biological/epidemiological modeling a plus
    • Experience in microbiology and/or infectious diseases a plus
    • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English

    To apply, please visit:

    Application deadline: June 26, 2022


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