REU: Computational Modeling & Simulation…, MTSU, Appl Due Feb. 16, 2020

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    NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
    Computational Modeling and Simulation in the Applied Sciences
    Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
    Summer 2020: June 8 to July 31

    Overview: Are you an undergraduate interested in improving your coding
    skills to address research problems in the sciences? Interested in
    spending a summer at a dynamic university, working with a faculty member
    and meeting others who share your interests? Getting paid to enhance
    your resume and edge out other applicants with your advanced skills? If
    so, you will be interested in applying for a National Science Foundation
    supported summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
    focused on the computational modeling in the applied sciences. Eight
    lucky undergraduate students will work with MTSU faculty on
    computational research problems in molecular modeling, math biology,
    acoustics, and optics. Each student will complete a specific
    computational research problem in collaboration with a faculty mentor.
    To support the research process, there will be a Python boot camp to
    elevate students’ programming skills and experience. Other events will
    include professional development and social activities. At the end of
    the program, students will share their research findings in a symposium.
    The program will run from June 8 to July 31, 2020 (8 weeks).

    Flyer: Please help us advertise the program by posting our flyer at your
    institution –

    Eligibility: All applicants who are interested in receiving NSF support
    must currently be a (1) U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent
    resident and (2) an undergraduate freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
    graduating no earlier than September 2021. We are especially encouraging
    students from traditionally under-represented groups in mathematics and
    science (i.e., African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans,
    Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, other Pacific Islanders, students with
    disabilities, first generation college students, and U.S. veterans) as
    well as students from institutions with limited research opportunities
    (e.g., community colleges) or students in financial need to apply. The
    online application is available at

    Support: Participants will receive a stipend ($4,000) plus housing and
    subsistence, financial assistance for travel to and from Murfreesboro.
    For full consideration, on-line applications must be received by
    February 16, 2020.

    Contact information: For more information about the REU Site, visit or contact Dr. Wandi Ding

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