December 14, 2017
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
Issue’s Topics:
SMB Digest: SMB Digest on Twitter @SMBDigest
Conference: Midwest Math Bio. 2018, May 19-20, La Crosse, US
Workshop: Teaching Computational Sci., Jun 11-13, Wuxi, China
PhD Position: Cryogenic Processing of Retinal…, Newcastle U
PhD Positions: Neural Dynamics, U Bristol, UK
PhD/Post-doc Positions: Math/Pop. Genetics, McGill U, Montreal
Post-doc: Interdisciplinary, U Penn/U Houston/CU Boulder, US
Faculty Position: Applied Mathematics, Heriot-Watt U, Edinburgh
NSF: New Funding Opportunity, Enabling Quantum Leap…
NSF: Rules of Life, Forecasting & Emergence in Living Systems
NSF: Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship Opportunities
SMBnet Reminders
From: Richard Schugart <richard.schugart@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 3:35 PM
Subject: SMB Digest: SMB Digest on Twitter @SMBDigest
SMB Digest is now on Twitter! SMB Digest on Twitter will feature
advertisements using links from the SMB Digest web pages with an
emphasis on reminding readers about upcoming events and event deadlines,
especially related to job applications and conference abstracts.
Follow us @SMBDigest
From: James Peirce <jpeirce@uwlax.edu>
Date: Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 10:14 AM
Subject: Conference: Midwest Math Bio. 2018, May 19-20, La Crosse, US
The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is excited to host the 3rd
biennial Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference from May 19-20, 2018 in
La Crosse, Wisconsin. The conference will feature three outstanding
plenary speakers:
Dr. Marissa Baskett, University of California, Davis
Dr. Stephen Ellner, Cornell University
Dr. John Pastor, University of Minnesota – Duluth
In addition, the meeting will provide ample opportunity for presenting
and sharing new ideas from all areas of mathematical biology research
and education. As part of the registration process, individuals may
select one of two concurrent workshops with the following themes:
1. R-Bootcamp: A gentle introduction to the R programming language and
its uses in mathematical biology. Lead by Dr. Eric Eager, UW-La Crosse
2. Ecological Data Science: Increasingly, ecologists require data
science to study their interactions and guide natural resource
management. Participants will be introduced to data science skills and
how these skills can be applied to ecological systems. Lead by
Dr. Richard Erickson, U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest
Environmental Sciences Center
Further details about the conference, abstract submission & registration
information can be found at www.uwlax.edu/conted/mmbc/
Questions or inquires can be directed to James Peirce
(email: jpeirce@uwlax.edu)
From: Shiflet, Angela B. <ShifletAB@wofford.edu>
Date: Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 11:08 AM
Subject: Workshop: Teaching Computational Sci., Jun 11-13, Wuxi, China
This year the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS
2018) (www.iccs-meeting.org/iccs2018/) will be held in Wuxi,
China, June 11 – 13, and The Workshop on Teaching Computational Science
(webs.wofford.edu/shifletab/iccs/) will focus on education. There
are submission options for an oral presentation with a full paper or
with an abstract only. We hope you will submit a paper or abstract to
the workshop or the conference by the deadline, January 15, 2018. Please
let us know if you have any questions. Co-Chairs of “The Workshop on
Teaching Computational Science”:
Angela B. Shiflet, Ph. D. (shifletab@wofford.edu), Wofford College, USA
Alfredo Tirado-Ramos, Ph. D. (TiradoRamos@uthscsa.edu), U. of Texas
Health Science Center, USA
Nia Alexandrov, Ph. D. (evguenia.alexandrova@stfc.ac.uk), Science &
Technology Facilities Council, Hartree Centre, UK
From: Roman Bauer <roman.bauer@newcastle.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 5:42 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Cryogenic Processing of Retinal…, Newcastle U
PhD position on “cryogenic processing of retinal tissue using
computational modelling”
A PhD student position is available at the Institute of Genetic Medicine
at Newcastle University (www.ncl.ac.uk/igm/). Dr Roman Bauer,
Prof. Lyle Armstrong and Dr Evelyne Sernagor are looking for a highly
motivated student with an interest in studying and computationally
modelling the freezing and thawing of retinal tissue.
The successful candidate will have (or be in the process of obtaining) a
Masters degree in neuroinformatics, computer science, engineering,
computational biology or a related discipline. Basic experience in a
programming language such as Java, C++ or Python is a requirement.
The student position will involve computational modeling as well as
experimental work.
A detailed description of the PhD studentship project, which is part of
the DiMeN Doctoral Training Partnership (www.dimen.org.uk/), can
be found at
www.findaphd.com/search/projectdetails.aspx?PJID=93036, and
information on how to apply is available here
www.dimen.org.uk/how-to-apply/application-overview. Informal
email inquiries to Dr Roman Bauer are strongly encouraged
(roman.bauer@ncl.ac.uk). The deadline for applications is the 22nd of
January 2018.
From: Tsaneva-Atanasova, Krasimira <K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@exeter.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 12:42 PM
Subject: PhD Positions: Neural Dynamics, U Bristol, UK
Wellcome Trust 4 year PhD Programme in Neural Dynamics University of
Deadline for applications: Sunday 7 January 2018
A vital key to comprehending the brain is to understand how the complex
changes in activity occurring at all levels of neural organization give
rise to normal brain function. Furthermore, an understanding of normal
brain activity will allow us to investigate abnormalities of neural
dynamics that underlie many neurological and psychiatric disorders
(e.g. epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia).
Understanding neural dynamics requires interdisciplinary approaches that
span many neuroscience areas, but crucially, also depends on the
integration of experimental and clinical approaches with mathematical
and computational expertise. This PhD programme trains a future
generation of neuroscientists to successfully combine experimental and
theoretical techniques in their research.
Application process: Please apply online at
www.bris.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/apply by selecting ‘Faculty of
Biomedical Sciences’ and ‘Wellcome 4-year PhD in Neural Dynamics’
Please ensure you include a CV, and two referees plus a cover letter
outlining your own neuroscience interests by Sunday 7 January 2018.
Please upload your covering letter into the Personal Statement section
of the application form. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an
interview in late January.
The Wellcome Trust provides a stipend and PhD registration fees at UK/EU
student rate, research expenses, contribution towards travel and a
contribution towards transferable-skills training. The Wellcome Trust
does not pay fees at the overseas rate.
For further information please see www.bristol.ac.uk/neural-dynamics or
contact: Lindsey Watson, Graduate Administration Manager, Faculty of
Biomedical Sciences, Graduate School (Lindsey.Watson@bris.ac.uk)
From: Simon Gravel <simon.gravel@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 8, 2017 at 5:44 PM
Subject: PhD/Post-doc Positions: Math/Pop. Genetics, McGill U, Montreal
PhD and postdoc projects in mathematical and population genetics at
McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
The projects aim to develop mathematical, statistical, or computational
models to better understand human genetics, human history, and disease.
The positions are fully funded, and the candidates should expect to work
on theoretical ideas in statistics, machine learning, algorithms, and
stochastic systems, as well as applications.
Candidates should have:
-a strong background in mathematics, statistics, programming, or related
-demonstrated interest in biology, evolution, or medical research;
-a curious and creative mind.
Experience in genetics, stochastic processes, or machine learning are
Applications and queries should be sent to Simon Gravel
gravellab@gmail.com. Please include a statement of interest (1 page or
less), a CV, contact information for three references, and a
low-resolution scan of transcripts (for prospective PhD students).
From: Zachary Kilpatrick <zpkilpat@colorado.edu>
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2017 at 4:17 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Interdisciplinary, U Penn/U Houston/CU Boulder, US
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join an NIH/NSF funded
interdisciplinary project that includes Joshua Gold (University of
Pennsylvania), Kreso Josic (University of Houston), and Zack Kilpatrick
(University of Colorado, Boulder). Our aim is to understand how the
brain accumulates evidence in dynamic environments. The project is
guided by the overriding hypothesis that brain networks involved in
decision-making computations incorporate learned expectations of the
environment to implement adaptive decision-making. We seek a candidate
who can work at the interface of experimental, computational, and
theoretical neuroscience. As part of an interdisciplinary team, The
candidate will develop models of neural circuits that approximate
normative evidence accumulation in dynamic environments. The candidate
will also help to validate these models, using behavioral data from
humans and neural recordings from primates performing dynamic decision
For further information please contact Kresimir Josic
(josic@math.uh.edu) or Zack Kilpatrick (zpkilpat@colorado.edu)
From: Painter, Kevin <K.Painter@hw.ac.uk>
Date: Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 12:29 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Applied Mathematics, Heriot-Watt U, Edinburgh
Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor in Applied Mathematics
Heriot-Watt University – Department of Mathematics – Edinburgh
The Department of Mathematics at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh
would like to grow its research and teaching capacity in applied
mathematics. We are seeking to make one or more academic appointment(s)
to strengthen our research in the areas of applied mathematics,
industrial mathematics, computational mathematics, mathematical data
science, stochastic modelling or uncertainty quantification. The role
will also have a teaching responsibility.
We are particularly interested in applicants whose research has
industrial or interdisciplinary connections.
Candidates should have a PhD and a strong research track record, at a
high international level and demonstrated through publications. They
must also have the relevant experience to be able to engage in the
standard Heriot-Watt undergraduate and postgraduate mathematics
teaching programmes, including the supervision of PhD students.
The Department of Mathematics is part of the School of Mathematical and
Computer Sciences (MACS,
which also comprises the Departments of Actuarial Mathematics &
Statistics and of Computer Science. The School is strongly oriented
towards research and advanced postgraduate programmes. We foster a
challenging and developmental environment for our undergraduates who go
on to excel in a diverse range of careers. The Department is also part
of the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences
(www.maxwell.ac.uk/), a joint research institute with the School
of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh.
This role is being recruited as part of Heriot-Watt’s Global Platform
Initiative which aims to increase the number of research leaders in the
University. We will consider candidates at the level of Assistant
Professor, Associate Professor or Professor, depending on experience.
If you would like further information about this post, please contact
the Head of Mathematics at hod.maths@hw.ac.uk. For more information
about the role and application details, please see our website
www.hw.ac.uk/jobs. Embracing diversity at Heriot-Watt University means
we can select from the broadest pool to find the best person for the
job – we encourage you to apply.
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 4:23 PM
Reply-to: dmsnews <DMSNEWS@listserv.nsf.gov>
Subject: NSF: New Funding Opportunity, Enabling Quantum Leap…
New NSF funding opportunity: Enabling Quantum Leap: Transformational
Advances in Quantum Systems
The full document of the program information can be found at
DUE DATE for one-page white paper: February 16, 2018
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 2:52 PM
Reply-to: dmsnews <DMSNEWS@listserv.nsf.gov>
Subject: NSF: Rules of Life, Forecasting & Emergence in Living Systems
NSF seeks to highlight the importance of research that forecasts the
direction and dynamics of change in living systems. The robustness and
reproducibility of processes associated with the emergence of complex
properties in biological systems suggests the existence of underlying
general principles (“rules”) across the spectrum of biological
phenomena. Identification and application of these fundamental rules
would be of high value to both the scientific community and the Nation.
This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) describes an initial opportunity to
identify areas where such rules may exist, to catalyze approaches toward
their discovery, and to focus efforts on using these rules for
prediction and design of useful biological systems. Activities supported
via this DCL include Conferences, EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory
Research (EAGERs), and Research Advanced by Interdisciplinary Science
and Engineering (RAISE) grants to create opportunities for enabling
predictive capability.
The full document of the program information can be found at
*February 20, 2018: RoL: FELS EAGER 2-page prospectus
*February 20, 2018: RoL: FELS RAISE 2-page prospectus
*June 1, 2018: RoL: FELS conference proposal
Inquiries about the Dear Colleague Letter and questions about submission
of EAGER and RAISE proposals should be directed to RoLBIO@nsf.gov.
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 12:29 AM
Reply-to: dmsnews <DMSNEWS@listserv.nsf.gov>
Subject: NSF: Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship Opportunities
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Mathematical Sciences
(DMS) aims to provide opportunities to enrich the training of graduate
doctoral students in the Mathematical Sciences through the provision of
a NSF DMS funded summer research internship program. Towards this
objective, DMS has partnered with the Oak Ridge Institute for Science
and Education (ORISE) which is managed by Oak Ridge Associated
Universities (ORAU) for the Department of Energy, to establish the NSF
Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship program.
The immediate goal of the program is to fund approximately twenty
internships, primarily at the National Laboratories. The longer-term
goals are to expand the program and to include private industries and
nonprofit organizations as hosts. The program is intended to introduce
doctoral students in mathematics to interesting applications of
mathematical or statistical theories outside of academia. The
internships are aimed at students who are interested in understanding
the application of advanced mathematical and statistical techniques to
“real world” problems, regardless of whether they plan to pursue an
academic or nonacademic career.
The NSF Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship program is expected
to have significant benefits for several groups of stakeholders,
*For all participating graduate students: Enhanced understanding of
their research areas in a broader context.
*For graduate students who pursue academic careers: Preparation to take
mathematical inspiration from problems in disciplines outside of the
mathematical sciences, allowing them to initiate development of new
areas in mathematical sciences; preparation to serve as links in their
future faculty appointments between academics and the business/industry/
government/non-profit realm; and preparation to advise their future
students on the full range of possible career paths that exist with
training in the mathematical sciences.
*For graduate students who pursue careers outside academics: Better
preparation for, and knowledge of, a wide range of career paths in areas
of business, industry, government, and non-profits where the
mathematical sciences play increasingly important roles.
*For faculty: Ph.D. interns who return to the academic setting with
enhanced understanding of the research area in a broader context.
*For academic departments: Enhanced ties to activities outside the
university, and better career opportunities for graduate students.
*For the mathematical sciences community: Demonstration of the impact
of an enriched training for doctoral students generally.
Students in full-time enrollment as a graduate student at an accredited
US college or university located in the US during the 2017-2018 academic
year will be considered. They should be pursuing a doctoral degree in
the mathematical sciences and be able to provide two relevant letters of
recommendation. These letters should address the student’s academic
record and potential for success in an internship, as indicated by
communication and teamwork skills.
Further details and the application procedure is described at:
Application deadline: January 31, 2018
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at