SMB Digest Volume 17 Issue 52

December 21, 2017
This issue’s editor:


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Issue’s Topics:
SMB 2018: Minisymposium Proposals Open, Sydney
Winter School: Big Data, Jan 22-26, Timișoara, Romania
Conference: Math Biol., Modeling &…, May 21-25, Howard U, US
REU: Computational Biology, May 21-Jul 27, U Pittsburgh
Springer: New Books
ToC: Wiley, Systems Biology & Medicine, Vol 10, Issue 1
AIBS: December Newsletter
AIBS: Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award
AIBS: News Release, Trump Administration’s Censorship of…
PhD Position: Evolution of Genomic Architecture, U London
PhD Position: Mathematical Institute, U Oxford
Post-doc: Data Mining, Simula Research Lab, Oslo, Norway
Professor Positions: Comp. Biol. & Bioinf., U Southern Denmark
SMBnet Reminders


From: Mary Myerscough <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 7:18 PM
Subject: SMB 2018: Minisymposium Proposals Open, Sydney

Just in case you haven’t heard via Twitter (@SMB2018) or Instagram
(@SMB2018Sydney), the website has opened for acceptance of minisymposium

Minisymposia will have either four or six half-hour talks with a good
geographic, gender and career stage spread.

So think about who you in your area of research you would like to see
gather in Sydney and get organising!

Minisymposium proposal submissions close on 12 February 2018.


From: GRLMC <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 5:46 PM
Subject: Winter School: Big Data, Jan 22-26, Timișoara, Romania

BigDat 2018
Timișoara, Romania
January 22-26, 2018

Organized by:
West University of Timișoara
Rovira i Virgili University

Early registration deadline: December 27, 2017


From: Yakubu, Abdul-Aziz <>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 10:34 AM
Subject: Conference: Math Biol., Modeling &…, May 21-25, Howard U, US

May 21-25, 2018 NSF-CBMS Regional Conference at Howard University in
Washington, DC

Title: Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Analysis

On May 21-25, 2018 Howard University will host the 2018 NSF – CBMS
conference, Mathematical Biology: Modeling and Analysis, in
Washington-DC. The conference will feature Distinguished University
Professor Avner Friedman of The Ohio State University in Columbus-Ohio
as the Principal Lecturer; who will deliver 10 lectures. Avner Friedman
will introduce participants to the fast-growing field of mathematical
biology by first providing preliminary material in modeling of simple
biological processes, including topics such as infectious diseases,
chemostat, predator-prey, and chemotaxis. This will be followed by
presentations of more advanced and current research topics modeled by
Partial Differential Equations, including cancer, vascular diseases, and
autoimmune diseases. At the end of the series of lectures, the
conference participants will have a good understanding of how to follow
the process of modeling, mathematically, the biological processes, and
at the same time they will be introduced to a large collection of
challenging mathematical biology research problems.

Professor Friedman’s lectures will be supported by 9 invited speakers
who will discuss mathematical biology models and their analysis. There
will be three panel discussions on (1) how to attract undergraduate
students to mathematical biology, (2) how to train PhD students in
mathematical biology, and (3) future directions in mathematical biology.
In addition, there will be a conference banquet lecture on views from
the biology and medical communities by Professor Michael Reed of
Duke University.

Conference Website Address:


From: Kohlhaas, Adam <>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 3:16 PM
Subject: REU: Computational Biology, May 21-Jul 27, U Pittsburgh

We are pleased to announce the 9th summer for our REU program in
computational biology and would hope that you would also be willing to
recommend student(s) for our program this year. More information and our
2018 program flyer can be found at our website –,
which also hosts our program application page.

Application Deadline: February 12, 2018
Program Dates: May 21 – July 27, 2018
Student Support: $5500 stipend, housing*, and travel
*housing not guaranteed for Pitt students


From: SpringerAlerts <>
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 9:09 AM
Subject: Springer: New Books

Industrial Mathematics and Complex Systems

Random Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Numerical Solution

Temporal Network Epidemiology


From: Wiley: Systems Biology and Medicine <>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 3:51 PM
Subject: ToC: Wiley, Systems Biology & Medicine, Vol 10, Issue 1



From: AIBS <>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 12:21 PM
Subject: AIBS: December Newsletter



From: American Institute of Biological Sci. <>
Date: Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 2:39 PM
Subject: AIBS: Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award



From: American Institute of Biological Sci. <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 11:34 AM
Subject: AIBS: News Release, Trump Administration’s Censorship of…



From: Jansen, Vincent <>
Date: Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 8:36 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Evolution of Genomic Architecture, U London

The following PhD studentship is available at Royal Holloway, University
of London: The Evolution of genomic architecture

It is a 4 year funded PhD involving mathematical modelling that will be
part of the London NERC Doctoral Training Programme (see The studentship is fully funded for 4 years for
UK/EU applicants (residence conditions apply). Tuition Fees: £4,195.00
p.a. Stipend: £16,553.00 p.a. with London Weighting.
Closing date 8/1/18.

For further details how to apply see

We are looking for candidates with an interest in this fundamental
biological question, and preferably some modelling experience. This
includes biologists with an interest and some experience in modelling
as well as mathematicians/computer scientists/physicists etc with an
interest in biology.

For further information contact


From: Radek Erban <>
Date: Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 10:56 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Mathematical Institute, U Oxford

DPhil (PhD) in Mathematics

Studentship in Mathematical and Computational Biochemistry

Applications are invited for a 3 year DPhil Studentship in Mathematics,
funded by the Royal Society, to work on projects in mathematical and
computational biochemistry under the supervision of Prof. Radek Erban.

The DPhil studentship will start on 1 October 2018, and will be based
at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford. The studentship
is fully funded, and includes a standard stipend of approximately
£14,553, and College and University fees at the Home/EU rate, as
applicable. The studentship is attached to Merton College, Oxford.

The proposed projects lie at the interface of several mathematical
areas, including dynamical systems, stochastic processes, asymptotic
analysis, numerical analysis, differential equations and mathematical
biology. The successful candidate should have some familiarity with
these areas, but the student can also receive advanced training in these
disciplines by attending relevant courses in Oxford.

DPhil is the Oxford equivalent of the PhD degree.

More details can be found here:

Deadline for applications: 19th January 2018


From: Valeriya Naumova <>
Date: Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 3:47 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Data Mining, Simula Research Lab, Oslo, Norway

We have an opening for one postdoctoral position in data mining at
Simula@HiOA, Oslo, Norway. The position is available within a newly
established Learning Systems Group addressing data science with an
emphasis on data mining.

The Learning Systems Group at Simula@HiOA has expertise in machine
learning, with a particular focus on matrix and tensor factorizations,
signal processing, statistical learning theory, and deep learning. We
are interested in developing and applying methods to address challenging
problems in various real-life applications. The proposed project will
involve model and algorithm development for matrix and tensor
factorizations as well as data fusion methods to jointly analyze data
from multiple sources.

Prospective applicants should have a PhD in computer science, machine
learning, applied mathematics, statistics, signal processing, or related
fields. The successful candidate should have a strong background in
numerical linear algebra, optimization and data mining proved by strong
conference/journal publications, and ability to carry out a
multidisciplinary research.

The successful candidate will enjoy an inspiring and resourceful
environment, with the possibility of travelling to conferences, visiting
other national or international labs, and establishing new
collaborations. Initial appointment will be for two years with a
possibility of extension for further two years dependent upon progress.

For more details please see the full advertisement:

For informal enquiries please contact Dr. Evrim Acar:


From: Martin Svensson <>
Date: Fri, Dec 15, 2017 at 9:48 PM
Subject: Professor Positions: Comp. Biol. & Bioinf., U Southern Denmark

The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is advertising positions in
computational biology and bioinformatics on assistant, associate and
full professor levels. The advertisements can be found on (for the
assistant and associate professor positions) (for the
full professor position)


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