January 3, 2018
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
Conference: HLA/KIR Population Dynamics, Mar 11-14, Bar Ilan U
Conference: Algo. for Comp. Biol., Jun 25-27, Hong Kong Poly. U
Summer School: Metaheuristics, Jul 21-25, Taormina, Italy
Summer Fellowships: Young Scientists, IIASA, Austria
Post-doc: Computational Systems Biology, Hong Kong Baptist U
Post-doc: Quantitative Biological Modeling, Northwestern U
SMBnet Reminders
From: yoram louzoun <louzouy@math.biu.ac.il>
Date: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 2:18 PM
Subject: Conference: HLA/KIR Population Dynamics, Mar 11-14, Bar Ilan U
HLA and KIR population dynamics conference of at the Bar Ilan University
in Ramat Gan, Israel – March 11-14 2018
We are organizing a workshop on HLA and KIR Population Dynamics that
will take place at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel from
March 11-14, 2018.
The workshop will bring together a select group of world leading experts
in HLA and KIR, genetics immunology, clinical transplantation, and
population modeling interested in understanding the many implications of
the population dynamics of HLA. The workshop sessions will include
invited presentations and round table discussions (See Website
louzouy.wixsite.com/hlakir2018 for confirmed speakers and
schedule). Abstract submission for posters and oral presentation is
still open.
We would be happy if see you all in the conference. Registration fees
can be waived for students and post-docs with limited funding.
From: GRLMC <grlmc@grlmc.com>
Date: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 12:08 AM
Subject: Conference: Algo. for Comp. Biol., Jun 25-27, Hong Kong Poly. U
AlCoB 2018
Hong Kong
June 25-27, 2018
Co-organized by:
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Department of Computing
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
AlCoB aims at promoting and displaying excellent research using string
and graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization to deal with
problems in biological sequence analysis, genome rearrangement,
evolutionary trees, and structure prediction.
From: Mario Pavone <mpavone@dmi.unict.it>
Date: Sat, Dec 30, 2017 at 4:40 AM
Subject: Summer School: Metaheuristics, Jul 21-25, Taormina, Italy
1st Call for Participation (apologies for multiple copies)
MESS 2018 – Metaheuristics Summer School – from Design to Implementation
21-25 July 2018, Taormina, Italy
Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/MetaheuristicsSchool/
Twitter: twitter.com/MESS_school
MESS 2018 is aimed at qualified and strongly motivated MSc and PhD
students; post-docs; young researchers, and both academic and industrial
professionals to provide an overview on the several metaheuristics
techniques, and an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art. As first
edition, MESS 2018 wants to analyze all metaheuristics from its
designing to its implementation. In particular, in MESS 2018 will be
analyzed modern heuristic methods for search and optimization problems,
as well as the classical exact optimization methods, seen also in the
metaheuristics context.
From: Åke Brännström <brnstrom@iiasa.ac.at>
Date: Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 8:26 AM
Subject: Summer Fellowships: Young Scientists, IIASA, Austria
Funding is available for PhD students interested in three months of
collaborative research during June to August 2018 on
Evolutionary and Ecological Modeling
at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) in
Laxenburg, Austria.
Young scientists from all countries are eligible for stipends provided
by IIASA’s Evolution and Ecology Program (EEP) that contribute to
travel and accommodation costs. Students from most of IIASA’s member
countries – Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Egypt, Finland,
Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the
Netherlands, Norway, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, Ukraine, the United
Kingdom, USA, and Vietnam – are eligible for fellowships that provide
full coverage of travel, accommodation, and living expenses.
Model-based summer research projects are invited in the following
indicative areas: Evolution of cooperation, Governance of common goods,
Systemic risk and network dynamics, Eco-evolutionary dynamics,
Evolutionary community ecology, Food-web evolution, Vegetation dynamics,
Adaptive speciation, Disease ecology and evolution, Evolutionary
conservation biology, Fisheries management, Fisheries-induced evolution,
Adaptive dynamics theory and models, Spatial models in ecology and
Applicants are encouraged to propose research that corresponds to
their scientific interests and to EEP’s agenda. Accepted applicants
will begin work before the summer, by planning their research in
collaboration with their IIASA supervisors. Previous experiences with
implementing and studying evolutionary or ecological models are
important assets for working in EEP. To improve chances of being
selected, potential applicants are highly welcome to send informal
inquiries regarding their specific research interests and plans to
EEP’s program director Ulf Dieckmann (dieckmann@iiasa.ac.at).
Online applications will be accepted until Thursday, January 11, 2018
(24:00 CET).
Since 1977, IIASA’s annual Young Scientists Summer Program (YSSP), has
attracted 1900+ students from 86 countries. The YSSP 2018 will take
place from June 1 to August 31. IIASA is located in the former summer
palace of Austria’s imperial family, ca. 15 km south of Vienna.
IIASA’s summer program offers exceptional opportunities for acquiring
experience in an international and interdisciplinary research
environment. Research training is based on regular personal
interaction with advising scientists, and typically leads to a
publication in an international journal, as well as to a chapter in a
candidate’s PhD thesis.
Some useful links:
-Information about IIASA’s Evolution and Ecology Program
-Details about the summer program, and online application
-Examples of successful YSSP projects
-General information about IIASA
From: Pan-Jun Kim <extutor@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Computational Systems Biology, Hong Kong Baptist U
Postdoctoral Positions in Computational Systems Biology
The new research group to be led by Dr. Pan-Jun Kim at Hong Kong Baptist
University (Department of Biology) invites applications for postdoctoral
positions in the area of computational systems biology:
The research will focus on the computational modeling and analysis of
complex microbial communities inside human body (“human microbiome”).
Our body is home to a variety of microbial cells, and they significantly
affect our health and disease. An integrative investigation of
collective dynamics of this microbial ecosystem is very important toward
biomedical applications.
The ideal candidates are expected to have experience/interest in the
areas of computational biology and mathematical modeling, strong
backgrounds in computer simulations with programing languages such as
python and C++, and familiarity with the Linux environment. Previous
experience with nonlinear dynamics and/or machine learning would be a
The appointment is available from March 2018. To apply, please e-mail
curriculum vitae along with a brief statement of your research interests
to Dr. Pan-Jun Kim at extutor (at) gmail (dot) com, and arrange to have
three letters of recommendation e-mailed to the same address.
From: Hermann Riecke <h-riecke@northwestern.edu>
Date: Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 12:17 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Quantitative Biological Modeling, Northwestern U
Overview: The Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
solicits applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in quantitative
biological modeling starting September 1, 2018. This positions is part
of a National Science Foundation Research Training Grant (NSF-RTG).
Duties: Postdoctoral fellows conduct research on the quantitative
modeling of biological systems and teach three quarter courses per year
in the department. Each position is typically for three years.
Postdoctoral fellows additionally participate in RTG-related training
and career development activities.
Environment: Postdoctoral fellows are part of an interdisciplinary
environment focusing on current problems in experimental and
computational biology. Fellows gain experience from training in
mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and modern data analysis/
statistical tools relevant to biological problems. Research internships
outside of Northwestern broaden fellows’ perspectives. Each fellow’s
research is mentored by faculty from both applied mathematics and a
biological discipline. Ongoing collaborations exist with faculty in
Neurobiology, Molecular Biosciences, Environmental Engineering and
Preventive Medicine, and additional areas of interest are welcome. An
overall goal of the program is to broaden computational biological
modeling in the department and at Northwestern.
Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, three reference
letters (one addressing teaching qualifications) and brief research and
teaching statements online at the URL:
If desired, one or two representative publications may also be
submitted. For full consideration applications should be received by
January 15, 2018.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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