March 29, 2018
- Alex Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
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4th UK InterPore Conf., Sep 10-11, Aberdeen
CfP: Modeling and Analysis in Molecular Biology and…
CfP: Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and Discovery
Postdoc: Systems immunology, Virginia Tech
Postdoc: Plant sciences, University of Birmingham
SMBnet Reminders
From: Judy Day <judyday@utk.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 9:08 AM
Subject: SMB Benefit Notice
**SMB Benefit Notice***
SMB members, did you know that you are eligible to receive a members
only discount of 30% on Springer Book titles? Not a member? Join the
SMB today and enjoy all the benefits of membership in the premier
society for research and education at the interface of mathematics
and biology!
From: McDougall, Steven R <S.R.McDougall@hw.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:32 AM
Subject: 4th UK InterPore Conf., Sep 10-11, Aberdeen
On behalf of the organising committee, I am very pleased to invite you
to participate in the joint 4th UK InterPore Conference organized
jointly by Total E&P UK and the University of Aberdeen on September
10th and 11th, 2018.
The UK chapter of International Society for Porous Media
www.interpore.org (UK InterPore) is the international society’s
representative organisation in the UK. It was established in 2015 with
the aim of strengthening the porous media-related research in the UK,
by creating synergy among UK-based researchers both in academia and
industry, and to establish and maintain formal links with similar
organisations in Europe and beyond. UK InterPore is a fast growing
community and since its start in 2015, it has held very successful
annual events in Edinburgh (2015), Loughborough (2016) and Warwick
This year 2018 the UK InterPore conference will be held jointly by
Total E&P UK and the University of Aberdeen. Porous media are
encountered in many systems. Some examples are processes in fuel
cells, paper-pulp drying, food production and safety, filtration,
concrete, ceramics, moisture absorbents, textiles, paint drying,
polymer composites, and detergent tablets. The most well-known natural
porous media involving multiphase flow and transport are soils,
aquifers, and reservoirs but such processes also occur in the
biomechanics of porous tissues, engineered tissues, and in-tissue drug
delivery. The aim of the InterPore society is to provide a platform to
exchange knowledge and ideas for the modelling of flow and transport
in complex porous media.
I am organising a minisymposium on biological aspects of transport in
tissues and would encourage interested individuals to contact either
Interpore directly or myself (S.R.McDougall@hw.ac.uk).
From: sgzhou <sgzhou@suda.edu.cn>
Date: Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 3:35 PM
Subject: CfP: Modeling and Analysis in Molecular Biology and…
A special issue on Modeling and Analysis in Molecular Biology and
Electrophysiology will appear in the journal, Computational and
Mathematical Biophysics (CMB). The purpose of this special issue is to
provide a medium for researchers from mathematical and biophysical
sciences and other related disciplines to report recent advances and
challenges on biomolecular systems and electrophysiology.
The special issue will focus on molecular to subcelluar scale
biosciences including biochemistry, biophysics, and electrophysiology,
and the corresponding mathematical models, analysis, computational
algorithms, and biological applications. Please find more details on
the potential topics, submission, and important dates in the webpage:
We are looking forward to your submission. If you have any questions,
please contact Dr. Shenggao Zhou, Email: sgzhou@suda.edu.cn.
From: Nguyen, Duc <ddnguyen@msu.edu>
Date: Fri, Mar 23, 2018 at 2:53 PM
Subject: CfP: Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and Discovery
Call for Paper: Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and
We are currently accepting submissions for our upcoming special issue
entitled “Computational and Mathematical Drug Design and Discovery”,
which will be published in the journal, Computational and Mathematical
Biophysics (CMB). The purpose of this special issue is to provide a
medium for researchers from mathematical and biophysical sciences and
other related disciplines to report novel mathematical models,
analysis, computational algorithms, and biological applications to
explore the mechanism of drug and protein interaction, and drug’s
physical property and activity.
As a recently established journal, CMB
(www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmb) is the formal continuation of
Molecular Based Mathematical Biology, published by De Gruyter. The
mission of CMB is to publish the highest quality work that promotes
the development of theoretical formulations, mathematical models,
numerical algorithms, and computational techniques for elucidating
molecular mechanisms and for solving open problems at the forefront
of molecular bioscience and biophysics.
The deadline for the submissions is July 1, 2018, but individual
papers will be reviewed and published online as they arrive.
Important Dates:
Manuscript Due, July 1, 2018;
First round of reviews: August 15, 2018;
Anticipated publication date: December 1, 2018.
For more information, please refer to the web page:
or contact Duc Nguyen at: ddnguyen@msu.edu
From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 10:44 PM
Subject: Postdocs: Diabetes research, University of Michigan
We are beginning our recruitment season for a Postdoctoral
Interdisciplinary Training Program in Diabetes Research at the
University of Michigan Medical School:
This NIH/NIDDK funded program provides an opportunity for postdoctoral
fellows to pursue training in diverse aspects of diabetes research.
Training grant preceptors fall into major interest groups across the
spectrum of type 1 and 2 diabetes research – islet biology, autoimmune
diabetes, adipocyte biology, neuronal regulation of metabolism,
mechanisms of insulin resistance, metabolic control in liver and
muscle, diabetes complications, and mathematical/computational
modeling in diabetes research – each area containing investigators
pursuing basic research with potential translational applicability.
Laboratory training is supplemented by a core curriculum in molecular
pathogenesis of diabetes, a series of educational seminars and classes
(including ethics), and workshops on grant writing, career skills, and
research methodologies.
The start date is September 1, 2018, and applications are due on June
1, 2018. By the time of the application, candidates require to
a) have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree(s) and a desire for a career in
diabetes research
b) have a doctoral degree and have no more than three years of
postdoctoral training
c) be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Application package is available on:
From: John Tyson <tyson@vt.edu>
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 4:13 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Systems immunology, Virginia Tech
The Systems Immunology Group at Virginia Tech is seeking a
postdoctoral scholar (< 3.5 y past PhD) or research scientist
(>3.5 y past PhD) to construct, analyze and simulate mathematical
models of the molecular regulatory networks underlying the
proliferation, differentiation and motility of cells of the innate
immune system. The modeling will be done under the direction of
Professors John Tyson and Stanca Ciupe and in collaboration with
experimental groups at Virginia Tech directed by Professors Liwu Li,
Caroline Jones and Ken Oestreich. The candidate must have expertise in
deterministic modeling (ordinary and partial differential equations),
stochastic modeling (SDEs and SSA), nonlinear dynamics (bifurcation
theory), numerical simulation and parameter fitting to data. The
candidate must have a PhD in a relevant discipline (e.g., systems
biology, mathematical biology, biophysical chemistry, computational
cell biology) and a strong publication record. Candidates with prior
experience in immune-system modeling will receive preference. The
candidate must be able to work effectively in an interdisciplinary
team and be committed to a career in molecular systems biology. Some
teaching and student-mentoring will be part of the job.
The position provides a competitive annual salary plus benefits and
health insurance. The preferred start date is August or September,
2018, and applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. For more
information go to www.jobs.vt.edu and search for job posting
number SR0180039. You can apply for the job at this web site after
creating an account.
From: Rosemary Dyson <R.J.Dyson@bham.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 4:04 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Plant sciences, University of Birmingham
I am currently recruiting for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to
support the delivery of economic and societal impact from recent and
ongoing mathematical modelling research applied to the plant sciences.
The Research Fellow will join a productive multidisciplinary group in
the School of Maths at the University of Birmingham, and undertake
relevant research with a particular focus on developing economic and
societal impact from the work including business development and/or
public engagement activities. This position is available for three
The successful candidate should have experience in Mathematical
Modelling, Mechanics and/or Mathematical Biology as well as excellent
interdisciplinary and translational skills. Further details are
available from:
www.jobs.ac.uk/job/BIF594/research-fellow-impact-of-mathematical-plant-sciences-research/ .
I would be grateful if you could pass on this opportunity to anyone
who may be interested. Interested parties should feel free to get in
touch for further information.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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www.smb.org/digest/, while older editions are available at