April 5, 2018
- Alex Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
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PhD Position: DTP Precision Medicine, Edinburgh
Postdoc: Modeling endocrine cells, Padua
Postdoc: Modeling of vector-borne diseases, Virginia Tech
Call for Research Fellows with ERC potential, Padua
2019 NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards
SMBnet Reminders
From: “Brian Winkel, Director SIMIODE” <brian@simiode.org>
Date: Mar 30, 2018 6:26 AM
Subject: NSF funded SIMIODE workshops
The National Science Foundation and SIMIODE are sponsoring two, week-
long workshops on using modeling in teaching differential equations
and we invite you to consider joining us.
SIMIODE – Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and
Opportunities with Differential Equations is an NSF funded, supporting
community at www.simiode.org with resources for teaching differential
equations through modeling and real-world situations. SIMIODE
advocates and supports an inductive approach to learning differential
equations through context with the use of Modeling Scenarios.
We offer two types of workshops and invite you to consider joining us
– MINDE for practitioners who are teaching and want to use modeling in
their differential equations courses and DEMARC for colleagues who
want to develop modeling materials for peer-reviewed, online
publication at SIMIODE.
MINDE – Model INstructors in Differential Equations Workshop, 22-28
July 2018 at Manhattan College, Riverdale NY USA. This is a
Practitioner Workshop for applicants to participate in a challenging
and invigorating faculty development opportunity to enhance their
teaching of undergraduate differential equations in a modeling-first
approach. Room and board is provided and there is a $300 registration
fee. Those selected to participate will actively engage to enable them
to incorporate curricular materials and pedagogies using modeling to
motivate learning differential equations in context with their
students after the workshop. Contact Director@simiode.org to register
your interest and details will follow. The workshop is limited to 20
participants. Apply with the information found at
www.simiode.org/nsfpracworkshop .
DEMARC – Differential Equations Model And Resource Creators Workshop,
15-21 July 2018 at Manhattan College, Riverdale NY USA. We invite
qualified applicants to participate in a challenging, invigorating,
supportive, and innovative faculty development opportunity to create
new curricular materials that enhance the teaching and learning of
undergraduate differential equations in a modeling-first approach.
Those selected to participate will be “Differential Equations Model
And Resource Creators”, or DEMARC Fellows and receive their
transportation, room and board, and modest stipend. During the
workshop, DEMARC Fellows will create application modules and related
documentation which they will submit to the double-blind,
peer-reviewed process for publication in SIMIODE. Apply with the
information found at www.simiode.org/nsfdevworkshop .
From: BERNABEU LLINARES Miguel <Miguel.Bernabeu@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 1:45 PM
Subject: PhD Position: DTP Precision Medicine, Edinburgh
Dear colleagues,
We are currently advertising a PhD scholarship for a project entitled:
“The genetics underlying imaging phenotypes and correlated
physiological measures”. This project is part of the MRC-funded DTP in
Precision Medicine (www.ed.ac.uk/usher/precision-medicine) and
it’s a collaboration between the groups of Albert Tenesa (quantitative
genetics and complex traits) and Miguel O. Bernabeu (image processing
and image-based mathematical modelling). The project will take
advantage of the retinal images and associated genetic data in UK
Biobank, a large prospective epidemiological study of 500,000
individuals (www.ukbiobank.ac.uk).
More details can be found online at:
Closing date for applications: Monday 16 April 2018.
From: Morten Gram Pedersen <pedersen@dei.unipd.it>
Date: Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 2:58 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Modeling endocrine cells, Padua
A postdoc position at the University of Padua is available. The
postdoctoral fellow will work on mathematical and/or statistical
modeling of electrical activity and exocytosis in endocrine cells.
The research project will focus on how dynamics and clustering of
proteins (ion channels, SNAREs, SM-proteins) shape electrical activity
and exocytosis. This may involve stochastic and spatiotemporal
simulations of Ca2+ channels, calcium dynamics and exocytosis using
computational and theoretical tools, applied to existing and new
mathematical models. Depending on interests and background of the
postdoc, statistical analysis of live-cell imaging is also a
For further information and to express interest please contact Dr.
Morten Gram Pedersen (pedersen@dei.unipd.it –
From: LR Johnson <lrjohn@vt.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 5:01 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Modeling of vector-borne diseases, Virginia Tech
The Quantitative Ecological Dynamics (QED –
leah.johnson-gramacy.com/QED/) Laboratory in the Departments of
Statistics and Biological Science is seeking applications from
outstanding candidates for a Postdoctoral Researcher (PR) position.
This position is part of the NSF funded project “Effects of
temperature on vector-borne disease transmission: integrating theory
with empirical data”. The PR will join a large collaboration spanning
multiple universities. Duties of the PR include statistical analysis
of incidence/case data of vector-borne infections from the field cites
in Ecuador and the validation of mechanistic models of disease spread.
This may include the development of new methods. The PR will prepare
technical reports detailing all aspects of the work done (such as
analysis methods), and interpretation of results. The PR will be
responsible to creating and maintaining code for the reproducible
analysis of all data, possibly including the creation of an analysis
package. The PR will also prepare articles for submission to
peer-reviewed journals, present findings at conferences, and
participate in collaborative aspects of the NSFproject and the QED lab
(including travel for collaboration meetings).
For more details, visit: listings.jobs.vt.edu/postings/84769
From: Andy Somogyi <andy.somogyi@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 6:11 PM
Subject: Postdocs: Computational Biology & Physics, Indiana U
There are two open post-doc position in computational biology research
at Indiana University Dept. of Intelligent Systems Engineering.
Topics: computational biology, systems biology, agent-based modeling
and simulation, biomechanics, fluid dynamics and scientific software
The positions will offer opportunities to collaborate on existing and
new research projects. Computational areas of interest include finite
element and finite volume methods, GPU programming, programming
language design, and physically based modeling and simulation. The
ideal candidate will have experience developing numerical simulation
software, GPU and parallel programming, or programming language
Qualifications: biology, chemistry or physics or engineering PhD,
programming experience (C++, Python, or other high-level programing
For the computational biology post doc position, please apply online
at: indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/5691
For the computational physics post doc position, please apply online
at: indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/5692
From: Morten Gram Pedersen <pedersen@dei.unipd.it>
Date: Wed, Apr 4, 2018 at 2:38 PM
Subject: Call for Research Fellows with ERC potential, Padua
The Department of Information Engineering (DEI), University of Padua,
Italy is looking for outstanding candidates for Research grants at the
senior postdoc level. The selected candidates are expected to submit,
by the end of their contract, an ERC Starting Grant proposal with DEI
as Host Institution.
Applications are welcome in any research area covered by the staff of
the Department. In particular the group of Bioengineering (performing
research in: Processing of Biological Signals; Image Analysis;
Mathematical Modeling of Physiological Systems; Biomechanics;
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology; Biosensors) is looking for
interested candidates.
The grant will cover 12-24 months of salary (gross annual amount of
28,450 euros, from which social security and pension will be
detracted. The grant is tax free according to Italian laws) and up to
10,000 euros per year for research expenses.
Further information regarding requirements and the selection procedure
can be found at www.dei.unipd.it/en/erc-research-grants
To express interest regarding the possibilities in the Bioengineering
Group please contact Assoc. Prof. Morten Gram Pedersen
From: Ellie Murcia <murciae@OD.NIH.GOV>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 19:24:30 +0000
Resent-from: Raymond Mejia <ray.mejia@nih.gov>
Subject: 2019 NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards
New funding opportunity for 2019 NIH Director’s Early Independence
The NIH Common Fund announces FY 2019 funding opportunity for the NIH
Director’s Early Independence Awards in the High-Risk, High-Reward
Research program commonfund.nih.gov/highrisk/index. The
program provides unique opportunities for exceptionally creative
scientists to pursue highly innovative approaches to address major
challenges in biomedical or behavioral research. Any research topic
relevant to the broad mission of NIH is welcome. NIH especially
encourages women and members of groups that are underrepresented in
NIH-funded research to apply. To be consistent with the updated NIH
definition of Early Stage Investigators
eligible clinical training includes clinical residency and clinical
2019 NIH Director’s Early Independence Awards: RFA RM-18-010
* Open to Early Stage Investigators who wish to “skip the postdoc”
and begin an independent research career; complete their terminal
research degree or clinical training between June 1, 2017 and
September 30, 2019; are in a non-independent position at time of
application; and have not received an NIH R01 or similar grant
* Single-PI applications only
* Only up to two applications per institution
* Up to $1.25 million in direct costs over a period of 5 years
* Application instructions and additional details provided in the RFA
* For further information on the NIH Director’s Early Independence
Award, see the website
commonfund.nih.gov/earlyindependence/index and FAQs
* For other questions, email EarlyIndependence@od.nih.gov
* Application deadline: September 27, 2018
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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