SMB Digest Volume 18 Issue 41

October 12, 2018
This issue’s editor:


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology may be found in
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Issue’s Topics:
Workshop: Fut Framework of Theor Neurosci, Feb 4-7, San Antonio
Symposium: Math & Computational Onco, Apr 29-May 1, Lake Tahoe
Workshop: Women in Math Biology, Jun 17-21, IPAM, UCLA, US
ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol 80 Iss 11 Nov 2018
PhD Position: Computational Biology, Frankfurt IAS
PhD Positions: Cardiovascular & Metabolic Medicine, U Leeds
Post-doc: Data Analytics Tools for Improved…, Cornell U
Faculty Positions: Related to NSF-Simons Center…, UC Irvine
Faculty Positions: Mathematics, City College of New York
NRC: Postdoctoral & Senior Research Awards
SMBnet Reminders


From: Whang, Kenneth C. <>
Date: Oct 4, 2018, 6:34 PM
Reply-to: <>
Subject: Workshop: Fut Framework of Theor Neurosci, Feb 4-7, San Antonio

NSF Funded workshop – Future Frameworks of Theoretical Neuroscience,
Feb 4-7, 2019, San Antonio, TX

The workshop will take place in San Antonio, TX from Feb 4-7, 2019. The
NSF will cover the participant’s transportation (up to $500, economy
class, no upgrades) and lodging (up to 4 nights) for a selected group
junior researchers. If interested, please submit a CV and two paragraphs
describing the reason(s) to participate in the workshop (1 page maximum,
divided into two paragraphs, one titled ‘present work’ and another one
titled ‘motivation’). While all the neuroscience community is encouraged
to apply we are also looking for people outside neuroscience with fresh
ideas that would like to participate.

Please send your application to with the
subject line [Framework Workshop] Application no later than October 31.

As a participant, we would like you to contribute to (1) the description
of the present framework(s) of theoretical neuroscience; and (2) the
definition of a roadmap for the development of future theories of brain
function across scales. In practice, we would like you to contribute to
identifying key questions and organizing principles across scales of
biological organization that share common theoretical foundations. We
also would like you to interact with other participants to develop
strategies to advance the field in order to “…transform our
understanding of the linkages between neural activity and cognition and
behavior across different systems, environments, and species.”

More information available at


From: Doron Levy <>
Date: Oct 7, 2018, 2:53 PM
Subject: Symposium: Math & Computational Onco, Apr 29-May 1, Lake Tahoe

The First International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational
Oncology (ISMCO 2019) will be held April 29-May 1, 2019.
The conference will take place in Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe,
Incline Village, Nevada

Important dates:
Tutorial and Special Track proposals: October 15, 2018
Tutorial and Special Track notifications: October 22, 2018
Paper Submissions: December 17, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: January 28, 2019

More information can be found on the conference website:


From: Rebecca A Segal <>
Date: Oct 7, 2018, 9:56 PM
Subject: Workshop: Women in Math Biology, Jun 17-21, IPAM, UCLA, US

Applications are now being accepted for the “Collaborative Workshop for
Women in Mathematical Biology” which will be held at the Institute for
Pure and Applied Mathematics June 17-21, 2019. Applications received
by December 1, 2018 will receive priority. This workshop will tackle a
variety of biological and medical questions using mathematical models
to understand complex system dynamics. Working in collaborative teams of
4-5, each with a senior research mentor, participants will spend a week
making significant progress with a research project and foster
innovation in the application of mathematical, statistical, and
computational methods in the resolution of significant problems in the

For more information on the workshop and application instructions go to:


From: Springer <>
Date: Oct 8, 2018, 8:29 AM
Subject: ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol 80 Iss 11 Nov 2018

For Volume 10, Issue 11 November 2018 Issue of the Bulletin of
Mathematical Biology, see


From: Esteban Vargas <>
Date: Oct 8, 2018, 3:53 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Computational Biology, Frankfurt IAS

The group of Systems Medicine ( at the
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies invites applications for a
full-time PhD position in Computational biology. The successful
candidate will receive a scholarship for 3 years.

Major duties:
-Develop mathematical models describing diseases using deterministic
models, stochastic models, and compartmental models.
-Develop observers algorithms for infectious diseases.
-Publish research findings in scientific journals and present them at
major scientific meetings.

-A MSc degree in a quantitatively-oriented field, such as engineering,
computer science or applied mathematics.
-Excellent command of English.
-Knowledge in analytical and quantitative methods.
-Experience in MATLAB, Python, or R, and LaTex.
-Knowledge of immunology is a plus.

Please send questions or your application with a motivation letter,
outlining your interest in a PhD position, along with your curriculum
vitae which should include the names and contact details of three
referees, to

Positions are open until filled. The planned start date is in January
2019 but can be negotiated.


From: Gillian Richardson <>
Date: Oct 2, 2018, 9:01 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Cardiovascular & Metabolic Medicine, U Leeds

University of Leeds
Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine (LICAMM)

Our programme
Soon 1 in 10 UK adults will have diabetes. In spite of modern
treatments, most of these people will suffer major cardiovascular
problems, including heart attack and stroke impairing their quality of
life and survival. We want to use our expertise to develop future
scientists able to meet this challenge and have 4 scholarships available
to commence in October 2019.

Applications are welcome from UK, EU and international students with, or
expecting to obtain at least an upper 2nd class undergraduate degree (or
equivalent) in a relevant area which might include medical or biomedical
sciences, structural biology, biochemistry, imaging, physics, chemistry,
mathematics or computing. Applicants must not already hold a doctoral
degree. For applicants whose first language is not English, Faculty
minimum English language standards (IELTS or TOEFL) must be met.

This award provides academic fees at the UK/EU rate and successful
applicants will also receive a tax free stipend (Years 1 and 2 –
£19,919, Year 3 – £21,542, Year 4 – £23,298) subject to satisfactory
academic progression. One place is available for a non UK/EU student,
and there will be an annual contribution towards the international
academic fee, leaving a deficit to be funded by the applicant of
approximately £10,000 per annum. Laboratory costs of all students are
covered by the programme.

How to apply
Applications are open until January 2nd 2019. More detailed information
about our programme and how to apply can be found on our website at

Open Day
We will be holding a Programme Open Day for potential applicants on
Wednesday 12th December 2018. This will include an introduction by the
Institute Director and an opportunity to find out more about the
projects you are interested in. More details about applying for a place
on the day are on our website.


From: Renata Ivanek Miojevic <>
Date: Sep 29, 2018, 5:08 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Data Analytics Tools for Improved…, Cornell U

We seek a motivated postdoctoral researcher to join the research group
of Dr. Renata Ivanek** at Cornell University. The postdoc will work on
data analytics tools for improved risk-based decision making in the food
industry. The tools will utilize agent-based modeling and machine
learning to evaluate and optimize strategies aimed at monitoring and
controlling microbial contamination in complex, built environments.

The preferred candidate will have (i) a PhD degree in a quantitatively
oriented field such as computer science, statistics, mathematics, or
epidemiology, (ii) robust research experience in agent-based modeling
and/or machine learning, and (iii) good track record of publications.
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until
the position is filled. The appointment is for one year, from January 1
to December 31, 2019, but could commence sooner.

Application materials consist of: (i) a cover letter, (ii) CV with
contact details of three referees, and (iii) a brief statement of
research interests and career goals. They should be e-mailed to Dr.
Ivanek ( ) as a single PDF file and with “Ivanek: Open
Epi Positions” written in the Subject line. Additional information may
be requested from shortlisted applicants.

**Dr. Ivanek’s research is in modeling and epidemiology of infectious
and foodborne diseases. More information at


From: Qing Nie <>
Date: Oct 5, 2018, 10:31 AM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Related to NSF-Simons Center…, UC Irvine

Applications are invited for three faculty position openings at
University of California, Irvine (UCI). We seek candidates with research
interests related to the broad themes of the NSF-Simons Center for
Multiscale Cell Fate Research ( The three
faculty positions are hosted at three different departments at UCI. Each
position opening has a different application link and a slightly
different deadline:

1) Mathematics or/and Physics (by 11/15/2018):

2) Statistics (by 11/1/2018):

3) Developmental and Cell Biology (by11/30/2018):

If you have any questions on the positions, please email to the contact
person listed in each search link or


From: Asohan Amarasingham <>
Date: Oct 7, 2018, 9:17 PM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Mathematics, City College of New York

The Department of Mathematics of the City College of New York invites
applications for one or more positions at the Assistant Professor,
Associate Professor, or Professor levels, pending administrative
approval, to start August 31, 2019. The department has strong research
in a broad range of areas. Areas of greatest need and interest are for
applicants with expertise in statistics, probability, and those areas of
applied mathematics most relevant to computational biology and data
science, but exceptional applicants from all areas of pure and applied
mathematics will be considered.

Instructional needs are at all levels, including undergraduate service
and major courses, and graduate courses both in the CCNY graduate
programs and through the CUNY Graduate Center.

Applicants must apply electronically at


Please apply by visiting

The applicant must submit an application cover letter detailing interest
in the position, a current CV, statements detailing research and
teaching interests, a diversity statement reflecting the candidate’s
thoughts and experience on fostering inclusivity in the classroom and
workplace, and arrange for four letters of reference to be submitted
through, with at least three addressing research and at
least one addressing teaching qualifications. Review of applications
begins October 15th, with applications considered until the position is

The City University of New York is an Affirmative Action/Equal
Opportunity Employer and Educator.


From: NASEM NRC Research Associateship Programs <>
Date: Sep 4, 2018, 2:13 PM
Subject: NRC: Postdoctoral & Senior Research Awards

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine sponsors
awards for postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal
laboratories and affiliated institutions. These awards include generous
stipends ranging from $45,000 – $80,000 per year for recent Ph.D.
recipients, and higher for additional experience. Limited graduate level
awards are also available. These awards provide the opportunity for
recipients to do independent research in some of the best-equipped and
staffed laboratories in the U.S. ResearcPh opportunities are open to
U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and for some of the laboratories,
foreign nationals.

Four annual review cycles:
November: Opens September 1; Closes November 1
February: Opens December 1; Closes February 1
May: Opens March 1; Closes May 1
August: Opens June 1; Closes August 1

Applicants should contact prospective Research Adviser(s) at the lab(s)
prior to the application deadline to discuss their research interests
and funding opportunities.

Thank you for your assistance. For more information:
Phone: 202-334-2760


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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