October 5, 2018
- Richard Schugart (richard.schugart@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
AIBS: Public Policy Report & Communications Boot Camp
Summer Internship: HIV Dynamics Modeling, Merck
Post-doc: Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Post-doc: Mathematical Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, US
Post-docs: Theor./Stat. Neurosci., Baylor College of Medicine
Tenure-Track: Biophysics Cluster, U Utah
Tenure-Tracks: Applied Math, UC Merced, US
Faculty Position: Mathematical Biology, U Minnesota
NSF: Neural & Cognitive Systems Webinar, Oct 22
NSF: Understanding the Rules of Life: Building a Synthetic Cell
NIH: Funding Opportunities for Circuits & Quantitative Research
SMBnet Reminders
From: AIBS Public Policy Office <polrept@aibs.org>
Date: Oct 1, 2018, 1:03 PM
Subject: AIBS: Public Policy Report & Communications Boot Camp
American Institute of Biological Sciences
Public Policy Report:
Communications Bootcamp for Scientists:
From: Youfang Cao <youfangcao@gmail.com>
Date: Oct 1, 2018, 2:26 PM
Subject: Summer Internship: HIV Dynamics Modeling, Merck
An internship opportunity on HIV viral dynamics is opening in the
Quantitative Pharmacology and Pharmacometrics (QP2) group at Merck. We
are looking for motivated capable PhD candidates in the field of viral
dynamics or mathematical biology in general to join us at PA or NJ for
about 12 weeks for the summer of 2019. Interested candidates please
email CV or any questions to Youfang Cao (youfang.cao@merck.com).
Details about the position and the application please follow this link:
From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Oct 4, 2018, 11:19 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation encourages all theoretical
and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search
for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention.
Candidates must apply for the fellowship under the guidance of a
Sponsor-a scientist (tenured, tenure-track or equivalent position)
capable of providing mentorship to the Fellow. In addition to aiding in
the planning, execution and supervision of the proposed research, the
Sponsor’s role is to foster the development of the Fellow’s overall
knowledge, technical and analytical skills, and capacity for scientific
inquiry. The Sponsor is also expected to assist the Fellow in attaining
his/her career goals. Awards are made to institutions for the support of
the Fellow under direct supervision of the Sponsor.
Candidates who have already accepted a postdoctoral research fellowship
award are not eligible. Application must be submitted by 4:00 PM
Eastern Time on March 15, 2019.
For more information, visit:
From: Anderson, Alexander R <Alexander.Anderson@moffitt.org>
Date: Oct 2, 2018, 12:52 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Mathematical Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, US
Applications are sought for the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow
to work under the supervision of Dr. Alexander R. A. Anderson on an
exciting inter-disciplinary research project concerning lung cancer
immune response and evolutionary therapy. Since this project is part of
the NCI Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (csbconsortium.org),
the successful fellow will have the opportunity to directly interact
with the greater CSBC community. We seek a talented individual with a
PhD and background in applied mathematics, physics or a computational
discipline to work in the unique research environment of the Integrated
Mathematical Oncology (IMO) Department. IMO integrates mathematicians,
computer scientists, and physicists together with imaging specialists as
well as clinical and experimental oncologists to develop novel
approaches for the treatment and understanding of cancer.
The successful candidate will have experience in modelling biological
systems, with a preference for those with knowledge of cancer. As well
as demonstrated creativity, high motivation, good communication skills
and importantly, experience in developing/ writing publications in
quality peer reviewed scientific journals. They should possess the
ability to work independently and within the research group. Since the
other advisors for this project are Bob Gatenby (Chair of Radiology) and
Scott Antonia (Chair of Immunology), the desire to work closely with
experimentalists and clinicians is also necessary. Preference will be
given to candidates with the ability to program (C/C++/Java/Matlab),
visualise and analyse numerical/experimental data.
The IMO is housed within the H. Lee Moffitt Comprehensive Cancer Center
which is a modern facility on the University of South Florida Campus
that conducts research on various aspects of Cancer Biology with
emphasis on translational research. Research environment includes
state-of-the-art modern core facilities and access to experimental and
clinical data.
Further details on the type of research being carried out in the
Anderson lab can be found at labpages.moffitt.org/andersona,
please send CV and cover letter directly to
Alexander.Anderson@Moffitt.org. Also apply online through the Moffitt
recruitment system: Req ID Number 9269 at
Since this project is part of the Cancer Systems Biology Consortium
(CSBC), the successful fellow will have the opportunity to directly
interact with the greater CSBC community.
From: Krešimir Josić <josic@math.uh.edu>
Date: Sep 26, 2018, 1:02 PM
Subject: Post-docs: Theor./Stat. Neurosci., Baylor College of Medicine
POSITION: We seek several highly motivated postdoctoral research fellows
for a collaborative team project building statistical tools for interpreting
large scale neural recordings. The fellows will develop new methods and
applications of probabilistic graphical models to infer statistical
interactions amongst neurons and with their environment. The tools will
be validated in neural network simulations, tested in physiological
recordings, and made widely available to the neuroscience community
for understanding data from next-generation experiments.
TEAM: Fellows will join principal investigators and theorists Krešimir
Josić, Genevera Allen, Xaq Pitkow, Ankit Patel, and Robert Rosenbaum.
The team will interact closely with experimentalists including
co-Investigator Andreas Tolias and several other labs interested in
applying novel methods we develop. Fellows will also be members of the
new Center for Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence housed at the
Baylor College of Medicine and supported in part by the NSF NeuroNex
program. The Center brings together interdisciplinary researchers from
across Houston, including members from Baylor College of Medicine, Rice
University, University of Houston, and University of Texas Health
Sciences. Researchers at the Center contribute diverse expertise in
fields including neuroscience, machine learning, statistics, physics,
computer science, electrical engineering, and applied mathematics.
QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have outstanding mathematical skills, a
PhD in a relevant quantitative discipline. Expertise in probabilistic
graphical models or statistical machine learning is a plus.
APPLYING: Applicants should email a letter of research interests and CV
to Camila Lopez (Camila.Lopez@bcm.edu), along with contact information
for three references. We look forward to hearing from you!
From: Angela Simmonds <simmonds@science.utah.edu>
Date: Sep 25, 2018, 3:34 PM
Subject: Tenure-Track: Biophysics Cluster, U Utah
The University of Utah
College of Science
Biophysics Cluster, University of Utah. The proposed position is part of
a cluster that comprises multiple tenure-track faculty positions, and is
designed to establish excellence in emerging interdisciplinary fields;
departmental appointments may be in Physics, Biology, Chemistry or
Mathematics. A major goal is to strengthen both applied biophysics, as
well as the field of molecular modeling of biophysical processes. All
candidates are expected to demonstrate the ability to develop a
vigorous, competitive and well-funded research program and will be
evaluated on how their research potentially contributes to the long-term
goal of excellence in interdisciplinary bridge areas. Applications by
investigators, both experimentalists and theorists/modelers, interested
in investigating biomacromolecular interactions are particularly
encouraged. Faculty hired are expected to participate in the development
and teaching of innovative courses related to this initiative. While the
openings are at the Assistant Professor level, exceptional senior
candidates will be considered. For full consideration, applications
should be received by November 15, 2018.
Assistant Professor applicants should upload an application letter with
vita, a description of proposed research, and arrange for three letters
of recommendation to be sent on their behalf.
Senior applicants should upload an application letter and CV.
Applications should be uploaded in PDF format to
utah.peopleadmin.com/postings/82979. Initial interview
selections will begin as applications are received, but applications
submitted at a later date will be considered as needed.
From: Suzanne Sindi <ssindi@ucmerced.edu>
Date: Oct 1, 2018, 11:40 AM
Subject: Tenure-Tracks: Applied Math, UC Merced, US
We have an OPEN RANK faculty position, and a TEACHING Faculty position.
Details are below, but if you or interested candidates have any
questions, please feel free to ask me or contact the search chairs
mentioned below.
For the Open rank position, we will consider any applied mathematician,
but are particularly looking in the areas of data-enabled science,
scientific computing, mathematical modeling, mathematical biology,
statistics, probability, and stochastic processes. The website to apply
is: aprecruit.ucmerced.edu/apply/JPF00701
Please note that the search closes on NOVEMBER 25, 2018 and the search
chair is prof. Francois Blanchette (fblanchette@ucmerced.edu).
The Teaching Faculty position is a tenure-track position that closely
parallels that of an Assistant Professor, but with greater emphasis on
undergraduate education. The website to apply is:
Please note that the search closes on JANUARY 7, 2019 and the search
chair is prof. Lei, Yue (ylei2@ucmerced.edu).
From: Jasmine Foo <jyfoo@umn.edu>
Date: Sep 28, 2018, 3:11 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Mathematical Biology, U Minnesota
The School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota has identified
Mathematical Biology as a priority area for hiring and invites qualified
candidates to apply. Current areas of focus in the department are cancer
modeling, cell motility, continuum mechanics in biology, neuroscience,
and stochastic processes. Please apply on mathjobs:
From: Whang, Kenneth C. <kwhang@nsf.gov>
Date: Oct 4, 2018, 3:54 PM
Reply-to: Thoroughman, Kurt <kthoroug@nsf.gov>
Subject: NSF: Neural & Cognitive Systems Webinar, Oct 22
The NCS Program invites Frontiers applications, newly in the Fiscal Year
2019 competition. Frontiers awards will be highly ambitious and
integrative to tackle challenges that require deeper and broader
collaboration and coordination. Please join us for the NSF Neural and
Cognitive Systems FY19 Webinar, on Monday October 22nd,
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EDT.
For more information and to register, please visit the NCS home page at
nsf.gov/ncs .
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Oct 2, 2018, 11:47 AM
Reply-to: dmsnews <DMSNEWS@listserv.nsf.gov>
Subject: NSF: Understanding the Rules of Life: Building a Synthetic Cell
A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 18-599) is now available:
Understanding the Rules of Life: Building a Synthetic Cell
An Ideas Lab Activity
Please see www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505600
for details.
— Preliminary Proposal Deadline Date: December 28, 2018
— Full Proposal Deadline Date: May 13, 2019
From the Program Solicitation:
This solicitation describes an Ideas Lab on “Building a Synthetic Cell.”
Ideas Labs are intensive workshops focused on finding innovative
solutions to grand challenge problems. The ultimate aim of this Ideas
Lab organized by the National Science Foundation is to facilitate the
generation and execution of innovative research projects aimed at
designing, fabricating, and validating synthetic cells that express
specified phenotypes. The aspiration is that mixing researchers who have
diverse scientific backgrounds will engender original thinking and
innovative approaches that will transform our understanding of cellular
processes, the molecular mechanisms that underscore the building and
function of systems that reproduce life traits, the self-assembly of
life-like systems, soft condensed matter, and the physics and chemistry
of life that are needed to design and build cellular components, cells,
and multicell systems.
The design and production of synthetic cells requires the development of
innovative and integrative experimental approaches in combination with
novel theoretical frameworks, improved mathematical models, new
artificial biomaterials, predictive understanding of biological
function, and the identification of causal relationships in biological
systems (e.g. genotype/phenotype, structure/function), all within an
ethical framework that is sensitive to the profound implications of the
research being conducted. Building a synthetic cell is a grand challenge
at the interface between biological, mathematical, computer, and
physical sciences and engineering that has the potential to advance not
only applications, but also our fundamental understanding of how cells
self-assemble and function and of emergent order in non-equilibrium
Individuals interested in participating in the Ideas Lab should respond
to this solicitation by submitting a preliminary proposal application.
Participation in the Ideas Lab is by invitation only from the pool of
applicants who submitted a preliminary proposal. Submission of the
preliminary proposal will be considered an indication of availability to
attend and participate through the full course of the five-day
residential workshop.
Following the Ideas Lab, participants will be invited to submit to NSF
full proposals, based on the outline developed at the Ideas Lab.
From: Whang, Kenneth C. <kwhang@nsf.gov>
Date: Sep 24, 2018, 6:22 PM
Reply-to: BRAINCircuits@ninds.nih.gov <BRAINCircuits@ninds.nih.gov>
Subject: NIH: Funding Opportunities for Circuits & Quantitative Research
Please note the information below regarding the BRAIN Initiative
Circuit/Integrated Approaches RFAs and related announcements from NSF.
We have also attached a table to help determine which funding
opportunity best fits your project.
R34 Targeted BRAIN Circuits Planning Projects
Supports exploratory studies to establish feasibility, validity, or
other technically qualifying results enabling a subsequent Targeted
Brain Circuits Project R01 submission.
-Award duration: 2 years
-Budget: up to $225,000 direct costs per year
-Receipt dates: July 15, 2019
U01 Exploratory Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs
Supports multi-PI, team science exploratory studies to develop
experimental capabilities and quantitative theoretical frameworks
enabling a subsequent multi-component Team-Research Circuit Program U19
-Award duration: 3 years
-12-page Research Strategy
-Budget: not limited but must reflect project needs
-Receipt date: June 10, 2019
R01 Targeted Brain Circuits Projects
Supports single lab or focused, multi-PI research projects utilizing
innovative methodologically-integrated approaches to understand how
circuit activity gives rise to mental experience and behavior.
-Award duration: 5 years
-Budget: not limited but must reflect project needs
-Receipt dates: November 6, 2018; July 3, 2019; November 6, 2019;
July 1, 2020; November 10, 2020
U19 Team-Research BRAIN Circuit Programs (new reissue)
Supports multi-PI, multi-component team science programs to establish
overarching principles of circuit function. Components include Research
Projects (minimum 2, maximum 5), Resource Cores (optional, maximum
3), Administrative Core (required), and a Data Science Resource Core
-Award duration: 5 years with possibility of 1 competing renewal
-12 page Overall strategy and 6 page strategies per Project and Core
-Budget: not limited but must reflect project needs
-Receipt date: October 30, 2018; October 30, 2019; and October 30, 2020
Clinical Trial Required:
Clinical Trials Not Allowed:
U01 Research Opportunities Using Invasive Neural Recording and
Stimulating Technologies in the Human Brain (new reissue)
Supports integrated, multi-disciplinary teams to conduct innovative
human neuroscience research made available by direct access to brain
recording and stimulating from clinical surgical procedures.
-Award duration: 5 years (new – extended duration)
-Budget: not limited but must reflect project needs
-Receipt date: November 14, 2018; October 18, 2019; June 19, 2020;
October 19, 2020
Computational and Quantitative Neuroscience
Theories, Models and Methods for Analysis of Complex Data from the
Brain (TMM)
Supports development and dissemination of new theories, computational
models, and statistical methods to derive understanding of brain
function from complex neuroscience data
-Award duration: 3 years
-Budget: not limited but must reflect project needs
-Receipt date: September 3, 2019
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS)
(Coordinated by NSF)
Supports innovative research and resources, encouraging the application
and development of state-of-the-art computational methods by theorists,
computational scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and statisticians
to tackle dynamic and complex neuroscience problems
-Anticipated Type of Award: Standard Grant or Continuing Grant
-Estimated Number of Awards: 15 to 25 per year
-Receipt date: November 27, 2018; November 25, 2019
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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