May 17, 2019
- Alex Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
Interface Focus Theme Issue: Multi-resolution simulations of…
PhD Positions: Data Science related to Life…, Germany
Postdoc: Bistability in bacteria, University of Copenhagen
Request for Info on Future Topics for NSF Convergence Accelerator
SMBnet Reminders
From: Radek Erban <erban@maths.ox.ac.uk>
Date: May 12, 2019, 8:34 PM
Subject: Interface Focus Theme Issue: Multi-resolution simulations of…
The Royal Society Publishing
Theme issue: Multi-resolution simulations of intracellular processes
This issue of Interface Focus, which emanates from a Royal Society Theo
Murphy meeting, gathered scientists from all over the world to discuss
pivotal aspects of such computer-aided studies of the physical mechanisms
underlying biological processes. The aim of this meeting was to illustrate
the state of the art in this research area, pinpoint some of the crucial
problems and challenges, and discuss the potential for a coordinated,
far-reaching long-term community strategy for multi-scale, multi-resolution
biological simulations.
Access content online at:
From: Kloß, Ramona <r.kloss@fz-juelich.de>
Date: May 13, 2019, 11:45 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Data Science related to Life…, Germany
The international graduate school “Helmholtz School for Data Science in
Life, Earth and Energy” (HDS-LEE) offers positons for doctoral projects in
mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and engineering. We are
looking for students interested to work in interdisciplinary projects at the
interface between data science and one of the research domains: life &
medical sciences, earth sciences, and energy systems/materials.
HDS-LEE is a cooperation between RWTH Aachen University, Forschungszentrum
Jülich, the University of Cologne, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), and
the Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung. The accepted candidates receive
full positions and are supported by courses in data science as well as
transferable skills and career advancement courses. The graduate school
started on March 1, 2019 and is currently hiring the first round of doctoral
students. For details, please visit the website www.hds-lee.de
From: Elisenda Feliu <efeliu@math.ku.dk>
Date: May 11, 2019, 9:18 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Bistability in bacteria, University of Copenhagen
A postdoc position is available at the Department of Mathematical Sciences
in the University of Copenhagen, starting September 1st, 2019. The position
is to study the bistability underlying the switch from acute to chronic
infections in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa using mathematical models and the
algebraic techniques developed within the mathematical theory of reaction
networks. The successful candidate will work under the supervision of
Elisenda Feliu in the research group Mathematics of Reaction Networks
(www.math.ku.dk/english/research/spt/reaction-networks/). The
position is initially for one year, renewable to two. The project is funded
by the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
To apply send your CV and publication list to efeliu@math.ku.dk, stating
clearly in the subject that you apply for the position. Shortlisted
applicants will be asked for more details.
From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: May 17, 2019, 12:39 AM
Subject: Request for Info on Future Topics for NSF Convergence Accelerator
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Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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